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MySuper Product Performance

MySuper products are default superannuation products with single, diversified investment strategies.

APRA’s MySuper product performance lookup tool enables users to interact with and compare investment returns, fees and performance test metrics across products. 

Published 24 September 2024
Published 24 September 2024
Populate all filters to see results table.

* If a product has a performance history of less than seven years, the product has met the requirements of the performance test, unless APRA issues a determination under regulation 9AB.10(4) to calculate a performance test measure for the product.

† The net investment returns for this product are reported gross of tax and therefore are not comparable to other products

Assets and Member accounts include all accumulation members who access investment options underpinning a MySuper product.

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) is an Australian Government statutory authority that supervises institutions across banking, insurance and superannuation and promotes financial system stability in Australia. As part of APRA’s role, APRA makes publications including on statistics for the financial sector. 

  1. The MySuper Product Performance Tool (“the Product Performance Tool”) utilises asset allocation, investment return and fee data provided to APRA by regulated RSE licensees. Superannuation RSE licensees are responsible for ensuring they report accurate data to APRA. APRA has taken reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of metrics in the Product Performance Tool publication, and will endeavour to liaise with an entity directly if it identifies potential concerns regarding data quality. APRA believes that the MySuper Product Performance Tool is a useful tool supporting transparency in superannuation and provides valuable insights for Australian superannuation members and the industry.
  2. The listing of a MySuper product in the Product Performance Tool, regardless of the set of ‘heat’ colours attributed to that MySuper product, in no way implies any form of APRA endorsement or advice. It should not be taken as such. You will need to exercise your own skill and care with respect to your use of the Product Performance Tool. The Product Performance Tool is not a substitute for independent professional advice and you should always obtain any appropriate professional advice relevant to your particular circumstances.
  3. APRA will take reasonable actions to ensure the Product Performance Tool is not compromised with bugs, trojan horses, spyware or adware. APRA accepts no liability or responsibility for any interference with or damage to your computer, software or data occurring as a result of access to, or use of, the Product Performance Tool.
  4. By accessing the Product Performance Tool you agree to the APRA’s terms and conditions of use.


© Australian Prudential Regulation Authority 2024.

MySuper significant underperformers


RSE licenseeRSE nameProduct name 
Bendigo Superannuation Pty LtdThe Bendigo Superannuation PlanBendigo MySuper


RSE licenseeRSE nameProduct Name
Diversa Trustees LimitedOneSuperSmartsave Complete Super MySuper
Equity Trustees Superannuation LimitedSmart Future TrustsmartMonday PRIME - MySuper
I.O.O.F. Investment Management LimitedIOOF Portfolio Service Superannuation FundIOOF MySuper
Prime Super Pty LtdPrime SuperMySuper

Key documents


  • Insights paper - APRA has published an Insights Paper to illustrate the key insights from the data in the Comprehensive Product Performance Package, in particular identifying improvements to outcomes delivered to members and highlighting areas of poor performance.
  • Methodology paper - APRA has also provided an information paper on the methodology used to produce the Comprehensive Product Performance Package.