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Licensing guidelines for non-operating holding companies

Who needs a non-operating holding company (NOHC) licence?

NOHCs are companies, incorporated in Australia, that do not carry on a business other than the business of ownership or control of other bodies corporate.

A body corporate may wish to apply for a NOHC licence under the Banking Act 1959, the Insurance Act 1973 or the Life Insurance Act 1995:

  • because APRA has refused, or may refuse, to grant a subsidiary of the body corporate a licence under the relevant Act unless the body corporate holds a NOHC licence; or
  • for a purpose connected with the Financial Sector (Shareholdings) Act 1998.

Application guidelines

Applicants seeking to be licensed as a non-operating holding company (NOHC) of an APRA-regulated institution should refer to the authorisation guidelines and if available the NOHC guidelines for the relevant industry. They outline APRA’s licensing process, the minimum criteria to be addressed by applicants and the necessary information required to be lodged with an application. If specific NOHC guidelines are not available for the relevant industry applicants should contact APRA licensing at for guidance.

Before you lodge your application for an NOHC licence, ensure you have read and are familiar with the prudential framework for the relevant industry, including relevant legislation, prudential standards and prudential practice guides. You can find all of this information on the relevant industry supervision page.