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Response to submissions - Proposed updates to quarterly ADI performance publication

This image shows APRA's contact details: AUSTRALIAN PRUDENTIAL REGULATION AUTHORITY - 1 Martin Place (Level 12), Sydney, NSW 2000 - GPO Box 9836, Sydney, NSW 2001. Telephone: 02 9210 3000, Website: Australian coat of arms - APRA

 To: All authorised deposit-taking institutions (ADIs)


APRA recently consulted on proposed updates to its Quarterly Authorised Deposit-taking Institution Performance (QADIP) publication, arising from the implementation of the new capital framework that came into effect on 1 January 2023. 

Two submissions received


APRA received two non-confidential submissions from Bank of Queensland Limited and Westpac Banking Corporation in response to this consultation. Both submissions are supportive on the proposed minor changes to QADIP, and expressed no concerns.

Next steps


Based on the above feedback, APRA intends to proceed with the proposed updates to the QADIP. The updated statistical publication will be first released on 6 June 2023 for the March 2023 reference period. The updated explanatory notes and glossary file are available on the statistical release page here

Yours sincerely,

Bruce Young

Executive Director 

Technology and Data