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Report fraud against APRA

This form is for the reporting of suspected fraud against,or within, APRA, (for example, the suspected theft of APRA resources). If you wish to report suspected fraud against an APRA-regulated entity, please visit the Contact Us page for details on how you can report your suspicions to APRA.

There are a number of ways you can report alleged fraud to APRA, including by clicking on the button below to begin your report.

Report fraud against APRA


Alternatively you can send an email to  

or post your report marked ‘Confidential’ to:

Chief Risk Officer


GPO Box 9836

Sydney NSW 2001

While APRA will accept an anonymous report, it is preferable that you provide your contact details to assist in any investigation into the matter. You may assume that only those APRA employees investigating it will know your identity. We will not reveal your identity outside this group except:

  • where we are under a legal obligation to do so;
  • where that information is already in the public domain;
  • on a strictly confidential basis to a professionally qualified lawyer or other advisor for the purposes of obtaining advice;
  • where you consent to your identity being revealed; or
  • to the police or as otherwise required by legislation.

If there are any other circumstances in which we are required to reveal your identity, we will discuss this with you first.