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Quarterly private health insurance performance statistics

APRA publishes statistics on the private health insurance industry on a quarterly basis. The industry performance statistics contains aggregate summaries of financial performance and position and capital adequacy. 

The quarterly private health insurance memberships and benefits publications are accessible here.

Quarterly private health insurance performance statistics

Quarterly private health insurance performance statistics - September 2023 to March 2024

The performance statistics contains data relating to financial performance and position at an industry aggregate level. 

The database presents the performance statistics data in a database format.

The specifications file provides details of the data elements included in this publication.

Important notice

This is the first release of quarterly insurance data since the implementation of new Reporting Standards effective 1 July 2023. There have been a number of complex accounting, regulatory and reporting changes over this period. APRA recognises the significant work by industry in preparing for the first public release. 

Users should also be aware that the publication contents have been revised to reflect the new reporting and publications framework, and that some items may not be comparable to those previously published. 

Users are encouraged to check data point definitions as outlined in the publication specification available above (to be read in conjunction with the relevant Reporting Standards). Further information on the revisions to the insurance publication suite can be found here.

Details of APRA’s change in approach to expenses granularity  

Following the 17 July 2024 release of the Response to submissions – Enhancements to APRA’s quarterly insurance publication suite, APRA received a number of concerns about the proposed level of granularity of expenses in the Quarterly Private Health Insurance Performance Statistics (QPHIPS).

The aim of APRA’s statistical publications, including the QPHIPS, is to provide useful information to a range of stakeholders while supporting APRA objectives of financial safety, efficiency and competition, contestability and competitive neutrality.

A number of private health insurance stakeholders flagged that the increased granularity proposed for QPHIPS may be counter to those objectives. Specifically, competition concerns were raised with regards to details of the expenses to be included in the Financial Performance (supplementary) tab.

In response to these concerns, APRA has revised its approach to publishing expenses data as outlined in the link below. APRA does not rule out revisiting the QPHIPS publication in consultation with private health insurance and other stakeholders in the future, noting that during the formal consultation phase some respondents were supportive of the approach that had been proposed.

Note that the changes in the link above have been reflected in an updated publication specifications file provided within the statistics section.

Archived version of the quarterly PHI statistics (financial data) from June 2023 is available below. The data is collected on a different basis to the new data and cannot be used as a direct comparison.

Next release

October 2024 (June 2024 edition)

For more information

Email or mail to

Manager, External Data Reporting
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority
GPO Box 9836, Sydney NSW 2001

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