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Get Set for APRA Connect Test in June transcript

This is the transcript of a webinar hosted on 10 June 2021. You can watch the video here.



Thanks everyone online. We will be starting the webinar in two minutes. You've joined the webinar on APRA Connect.


You have joined the webinar on APRA’s New data collection solution, APRA Connect.


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Please note that the webinar will be recorded and made available after the session.


Good morning, and thank you for joining us for today's webinar on APRA Connect, where we'll provide an overview of APRA’s new data collection solution and demonstrate APRA Connect functionality and data preparation.


My name is Jane Code and I'm the readiness lead for APRA Connect and your facilitator for today.


I'm joined by three of my colleagues.


Daniel Hunt, who might be familiar to many of you, is the business Lead for these projects.


And I'm joined by two of our system experts, rosemarie new and building degrade.


Before we get underway, a little housekeeping.


We are recording this webinar, and it will be made available after the session.


All of our guests are on mute, and we have disabled the hands up function, so that we can minimize any unexpected interruptions to the recording.


We do encourage you to use the question function throughout the webinar.


We'll endeavor to answer as many questions as we can as time permits.


Those, we don't get to show published materials address any outstanding question.


So let's get underway.


Today, we will provide an overview of APRA Connect and the steps entities should be taking to get ready.


We'll take a look at the guidance material and taxonomy artefacts, which are designed to assist you in using APRA Connect and preparing and submitting data to aircraft.


And we'll walk through APRA Connect functionality, data preparation and submission.


I'll now hand over to Daniel, who will get us started with another view of APRA Connect and what this means for industries.


Thank you, Jane. And good morning everyone, and thank you for taking the time to join us.


I'm very excited to be here with you today. one week out from the go live of the APRA Connect test environments.


It has been a long journey, so it's good to be at this stage. I can see a few familiar names on the webinar and I know that many of you who also been on this journey with us we'll be looking forward to getting access to the new solution.


For anyone who's attending the first webinar, you may be asking What is APRA Connect?


Well, APRA Connect is APRA’s new data collection solution that will eventually replace D2A.


After will be running two systems for a period, new collections implemented on APRA Connect, the bursar's Super Private Health Industries, more to come into the next next year.


Eventually, all collections will go to APRA Connect. 


There are a number of key benefits being Delivered for APRA Connect. It will be easier to use. We will have a modern and intuitive user interface, which you'll see very shortly.


It will be less ongoing, maintenance, as it will be web based, and don't require you to install software on your machines. And the system is more adaptable to future needs as reporting requirements, data, analytics, and technology will go.


And it also encompasses fit for purpose collection zone, or providing a platform that will use broader and more granular data models to fulfill multiple requirements.


Taking a look at the implementation time on, the project was restarted after our kobe's Induced cause in December.


We conducted a successful part through April or May, and now we're at the Go Live or test by many information drops along the way. And we will continue to do so as we build towards the September 13th, Go live or production.


This three month period is all about you, getting familiar with the system and testing functionality. So you're prepared for September. Particularly for those of you in the soup and super good returns do. We do encourage all of you to test the functionality. Test the functionality available to you during the next three months is simply Updating Entity Profile or creating an Accountable Person return.


Turning attention to the test environment.


This will be available to you from the 17th of June as a permanent feature and is a separate environment from production, No data is shared or synchronized between the two.


Activities you'll be able to undertake, include accessing the environment using ... credentials for the first time.


You've got to familiarize yourself with the features, Unconscious Mapper Connect, and you could try submitting data and see if any changes that required your processes, as well as upskilling and training staff.


Of course, it may be necessary to make some technologic technology adjustments.


Now, there are a couple of things you should know.


Your entity data has been migrated to create your entities profiles, but that doesn't include responsible or accountable person. So you should practice creating these returns.


You're also advised to use test in the APRA Connect test environments.


Data query processes, and the API submissions are not currently available, But most importantly, all the security and penetration testing has been completed.


As I mentioned, the test environment is separate from production, and users will need to be set up again in the production environment for the September 30th Go Live.


APRA Connect will seek confirmation of IRAs, pre-production near the time.


So, finally, just a quick look at what that means to you by industry in the test environment on the 17th of June.


For those of you in Suva, you'll be able to manage entity information, such as Profile Contact Details, responsible Persons.


Of course, you'll have access to the new STT returns, insurance. You'll also have access to the Entity Information.


For those of you in private health, you'll also have the new 65 return .... You'll also have the information available to you on that functionality.


And you can see that this mirrors the September go live that more in the future pipeline.


Then a quick reminder, you will continue to use APRA Connect all of your existing returns until advised otherwise.


Now that concludes my introduction. I'll now hand over to Jayne to walk you through the onboarding process.


Thanks, Daniel. Will now focus a little bit on what to expect over the next few weeks as you get onboard the test environment.


So, there are a number of prerequisite states that we have provided. And we recommend that all entities work through these steps. And that'll make sure you're in the best position for onboarding from the 17th of June.


Most importantly, is ensuring that you have nominated a first user to access the test environment, And that's being done by a form that is in APRA Connect


You will have ensured that all of your users, including that first user, have my job ID, and our authorizing ran for each entity, They are reporting pool. That is H AB.


We'll have a look at some of the guidance material and taxonomy artefacts, which, you should also be familiarizing yourself with to build base knowledge of how this system works.


I'll pass it over to Rosemarie to step you through authenticating with my job ID. So have a feel for what to expect when accessing APRA Connect and also to give us an overview of the user roles and permissions, which will help ensure your teams are set up correctly and ready to go.


Thanks Jane.


That's fine. Screenshot on the right Shows the login page for APRA Connect, with the button to authenticate.


When you click on this link, you'll need to enter your e-mail address and you will be presented with a four digit code which you will need to enter into the markup ID app on your mobile phone.


If you're associated with more than one ABN in ram, you can select the entity you wish to login for.


Then you will be redirected back to APRA Connect.


If this is your first time logging into APRA Connect


Your user details will be sent through from my job ID and your account created the APRA Connect, however, you will not have any commissions assigned at this point.


APRA Connect will receive an e-mail requesting that you are assigned a role.


And if you are the designated regulatory reporting administrator for your organization, we will assign this permission to you.


If this is your first login, and there is already a regulatory reporting administrator associated with your entity, that person will receive an e-mail requesting them to assign you with the permission.


You'll always be re routed back to the environment to APRA Connect, from which you originated.


So, if you are doing this from external test, you will be re routed back to external test.


APRA has facilitated a number of roles which we hope will suit the processes for submitting within your various teams and organizations.


Any user can have more than one role or permission assigned, and any role can have more than one user.


Running through the table presented on the screen, the regulatory reporting administrator is the highest use of permission.


Can assign permissions to other users once their user account has been created.


They can draft and submit returns, and they will be the receiver for all the automated notifications generation in the system, such as reminder notices, late notices, submission, receipts, and any other approvals.


The regulatory reporting preparer can enter data in returns, but will not have a validate and submit button.


The service provider role can enter data into returns and submit, and they will also receive notifications, but they are unable to assign permissions to other uses.


This may assume suitable role to assigned to any user from an organization to whom you may have outsourced your regulatory reporting to, and allows you to control the specific users that have access to submit information on your behalf.


The ad hoc permission, the Ad Hoc returns permission, is an additional layer of permissions, which allow a user to create an ad hoc return with which to submit file attachments or requests through to our product.


Such requests include extensions to due dates, reporting exemptions, and re submission requests.


Some of the file types that you may wish to attach to this return, our audit reports, Risk Management declarations, Financial Condition Reports, et cetera.


The corporate profile enables the user to maintain the company profile type of information such as addresses, contact persons.


Also, Responsible Persons and Accountable Persons Variety IES.


There are a couple of callouts.


For the test environment only, we will assign the ad hoc permission and corporate profile permissions to the nominated, regulatory reporting administrator.


We're mindful there may be a single user at any given organization.


And since a user cannot delegate permissions to themselves, we want to ensure that users can test the full range of return types in the external test environment.


Second call out, is that any file uploaded, which does not trigger any validations, will automatically submit, and this is applicable to the first three rows of permissions, regulatory recording administrator, the regulatory reporting preparer, and the service provider role.


Oh, thanks, Rosemarie, will, we have recently published the APRA Connect guide, and you'll find it through the website support material tile at the Getting Ready for APRA Connect page.


The guide itself covers all of the functionality.


You'll use an applicant, and getting started, navigating through the system, updating corporate information, preparing and submitting data returns.


It also calls out differences between the test environment, APRA Connect production environment that will go live in September.


The guide, however, does not cover areas such as creating an XML files. The APIs will update the guide when APIs are available. It doesn't cover the taxonomy artefacts, the data dictionary, the reporting taxonomy.


There are they are available for download separately, from the website, And we'll talk about those in a little while, as well, And it does not include templates again. This is part of the taxonomy artefacts.


This is a great tool for you to use. And you'll see you'll see by the examples in the next slide.


That the user guide includes step by step instructions, screen shots of the system's key call outs and processes, where applicable.


We'll now take a look at the taxonomy artefacts and what they include. So over to you, Belinda.


Thanks, Jane.


All right.


So, along with the artefacts that you can see listed here, We have prepared explanatory notes that explain the contents of each of the artefacts.


I'm going to go into a little bit more detail shortly, But we also wanted to respond to some feedback that we received during Pilot, where we were asked to provide more detailed information about the syntax of the validation rules.


So we've now published a guide that explains all the functions and their syntax.


You should use that guide in conjunction with C artefacts files.


So, I'm the data dictionary.


The data dictionary is similar to the Macquarie or Oxford dictionaries. In every word, or in this case, every element is listed.


The data dictionary doesn't provide any context, how the elements are used.


We'll see that later, in the reporting taxonomies, the data dictionaries currently have PHR and Superannuation Elements and it will be expanded as new collections moving to app per connect.


The Data dictionary is excel based.


The elements, data types, and Enumeration tabs all list all of the available items and detailed properties for each of them.


If the data dictionary is like a standard dictionary, the reporting taxonomies like a novel, the elements, Data Types, and Enumerations, are brought together to tell a story.


In this case, the stories, the reporting collection context is given by ordering the objects into forms in order to tells a story.


And just like any good novel, there are certain patterns and conventions that are followed in our pre-k.. These are the validation rule.


You'll notice many some similarities in the worksheets in the Excel based reporting taxonomies.


The key call outs are the hulls constraint file on the Schema tab.


And the Rules shayne I will talk in more detail about the hulse constraint fall in an upcoming slide.


The elements tab will provide more, provide additional properties like the primary Cay and mandatory fields for each element.


And the Rules Worksheet contains the validation rules specific to the collection that you in that reporting taxonomy.


However, a full list of all validation rules for all collections in the and is in APRA Connect is published separately.


The other key worksheets in every reporting taxonomy, other form layouts, Entities can use these form layout, and, if they want to submit their data via Excel upload, there are two K form layouts.


Every return will name the entity Details worksheet to specify the AVN and reporting end date the upload is applicable for.


And, finally, that bottom row indicates the layouts for one or more forms. The worksheet name is used by appro Connect, and should not be altered.


And I'll show you an example, or sample of these two worksheets shortly, OK, So, more on the holes constraint file? It's embedded in the Schema tab.


For each table in the collection, it will list the, specific, specific enumeration values.


In the first picture, you can say that for all but one renumeration, all members are accepted, but for the, for the performance component activity type, which is highlighted in purple, it only accepts the list of values.


In the second picture, the form layout is displayed. And if you hover your mouse over the comment, you will see the properties of each element, including the allowed values.


Layouts of the forms in the collection are provided in each reporting taxonomy.


The picture in the back left corner shows the entity details worksheet.


Every return you upload via Excel will will require the entity details worksheet, appo Connect will validate the ABN and reporting end date that you enter here.


The entity name is just for display purposes.


The second picture displays the display shows the foam layout for the performance components form.


Note the form code and table appears in the tab name.


This must not be changed.


APRA Connect uses the tab name when uploading the data.


You can also see the starting row for your data.


Thanks, Belinda.


So you can see that there is quite comprehensive information published on the website to help you.


The guide will provide you with help regarding system functionality and the artefacts will hope in the preparation of data would now like to give you a front row seat to APRA Connect with a demonstration of the system.


Now lost some industry, say you have data collections returns and allocated to them. It is important to remember that all entities will be required to provide entity information such as corporate profile information and responsible persons. So, accessing and familiarizing yourself in a test environment is important for all entities across all industries.


Just before I pass it to Belinda, I know there is a couple of questions coming through. one of them is with regard to both of them now, with regard to the slides after the presentation of the presentation and the webinar will be shared with you and we're happy to provide the slides as well.


So, over to Belinda for the demonstration.


Thanks, Jane.


Today's demonstration is going to show you how to navigate around APRA Connect, how to view your company profile, how to access returns, manually, enter data, upload data from Excel and submit.


Once you login to approach that, you'll be showing the Welcome screen.


You can see at the top of the screen, under the afro connect banner, who is logged in, and for which entity, throughout this demonstration I'm going to use a Superannuation Entity.


I'm logged in as the fund, not the administrator or the trustee and it's important for superannuation entities that you do log in as the fund because returns are allocated at the fund level.


In the top right corner, you'll see the View, Edit My Details, Help, and log out.


Over under the menu icon, you'll see Home, Return, Documents, Company Profile on Users.


The company profile screen contains a range of different sections, and these will vary depending on which industry you belong to.


As you already know, I'm logged in as a Superannuation Entity.


You can see the last four screens relate to this super RSA's structure.


Oh, no, go now go into the returns menu.


Even though I'm demonstrating this as a superannuation fund, dysfunctionality will eventually be applicable to all industries.


Across the top of the screen, you can see a series of colors.


Each return is listed with there is a unique preference that you will be used in notifications of submissions.


Your revision number, zero point one, indicates the return is yet to be submitted.


Later on the demonstration, you'll say the Submitted return has a revision of one point O, and that the return has been submitted.


Categories which show the frequency.


Status, which you can filter on, as demonstrated here, In the name column, you can search for returns by typing a name.


Here, I've taught RSA, and then if I hit Enter, it only shows those returns with RSA. In the name, if I could, if I remove RSA and hit Enter, again, it will clear the risk, the search.


You can say the Expenses, return is complete, This does not mean it's submitted.


All returns shown here in this draft return screen are yet to be submitted for superannuation funds.


It's important to note you must complete the RSA structure return before submitting all of the returns, with the exception of this expenses return.


This is because the superannuation products, investment, menu's, investment options and fees and costs arrangements that are defined in RSA's structure will be used to validate all the other returns.


To View Submitted Data, you can click the View Submissions button. And I'll show you the screen towards the end of this demonstration.


Now, I'll move on and demonstrate completing the RSA structure.


So, I'll click the RSA Structure link.


And you'll now see the RSA Structure Return.


As I mentioned earlier, it's a really key point, so I'm going to reinforce that again, the RSA structure return must be submitted before All other returns as the products, investment, venues, investment options, and fees and cost arrangements that are defined in this return.


Will be used to validate all other returns except that expenses return.




You can say this, the RSA structure return contains two sections, at the bottom of the screen. The Preview section is unique to this return.


Entities can use the Preview Return to meet their obligations to report any changes within the 28 day calendar days of the change by clicking that Excel icon.


You can download your previously submitted data.


You should refer to the user guide for full instructions on ad hoc submissions and re submitting returns.


OK, so let's get on to filling out this return.


You could upload data by clicking that upload data.


Icon either Excel or XML uploads are accepted, or I can manually enter, complete this return by clicking the Edit link.


All tables in APRA Connect, Wolff will be empty to start with. You will need to click the Add button to complete this table.


You can see, as I scroll to the right, all the fields that need to be entered, book called or completed, mandatory fields have a red asterix, the Validate and Save button.


Is that the far right of the phone?


The first time you can play this R S G C structure return, you must select the new status.


That is, because this is the first time you're reporting this information, or this product to AcuGraph.


Subsequent sweep submissions might be a mix of the three status types.


So, I'm going to manually enter some data here.


Just a quick note on Column five.


If I pick production F, sorry, if I pick my super product, I must also pick my super corresponding my Super Category Type in column six, and I must provide a ... of that authorization identifier.


And this is the same authorization identifier that you've already registered with APRA Connect and you'll be able to view that in your company profile.


I've gone on to complete the rest of this return and I'll click Validate and Save.


You can now say a green tick next to the form I just completed.


If I if I click the validate and submit con I'll say that there are three mandatory rules stating that data is required in the other three forms.


Clicking back.


Taking that back button will take me back to the view return screen.


I'm now going to demonstrate uploading a file, go up to the upload data icon.


And I click Choose File because this return already contains some data, unprompted, whether I want to delete that data.


Or if I say no, the information that in my upload file will add to the data I've already uploaded. So it's an append, essentially.


I want to, in this case, I'm going to delete the data and upload new data. So I click delete.


Never, you can then navigate to your file.


It could be either an XML or an Excel file, click open, then click done.


You can say the return is processing and I can click refresh status towards the top to see an updated status.


The pencil, next to tables 1 and 4, indicate that they are in draft.


Because there is an issue with the data I've uploaded, the green take next to table to indicates that it validated.


And notice, there's no icon next to Table three.


Because the data didn't load. That's because I changed the worksheet name. So, this is to show you the importance of keeping those tabs, the name, as it appears in the reporting taxonomy.


Linking the errors and morning icon will show the validation rules that have triggered.


Errors should be corrected in your source system to avoid the same errors occurring in the future rather than manually correcting issues in the return.


I'm now going to repeat the upload process and load a file that has resolved all the issues in the previous start.


Once again, I'm going to delete all the data, because I don't want to append the rows I already have.


As this file has passed all validations, the return if, in a second.


You'll see that the return automatically has been submitted up there in the top return status area of the header.


It's important to call out for all industries, any user with a role that can upload, if your upload passes all warnings and errors, the return will automatically submit.


When I click the Return menu, he'll say that they.


You'll see that the RSA structure return is no longer a list in the draft returns.


If I click the View Submissions icon, I will say the return I just submitted.


Notice the revision number has moved on to one point R.


OK, so some K callouts from what I have just demonstrated.


A return with a status of complaints is not submitted.


You will need to click the Validate and Submit button to complete that process.


APRA Connect will automatically submit and upload any return that passes the VAWA errors or warnings, and this includes any role that has the ability to upload.


I Press strongly recommends that you resolve any validation errors in your source systems.


Rather than manually editing the data, this will ensure your data pass as validation for future periods.


And finally, the superannuation funds, don't forget, you need to login as the fund, not the administrator or trustee in order to see your returns.


And it is important for the first reporting period that you submit the RSA structure return before attempting to submit any other return.


Thanks, Linda.


I can see the presentation has kicked up a couple of questions that we will take and I'd just like to hand to Daniel just to repeat the message on the Also, submit functionality within .... Yes. Thank you Jane. So I think that's referring to the in particular to the preparer role.


As Rosemary discussed earlier, the, when, some assignments preparer role is uploading a file is particularly the, uploading a file and that file is clean or has no validation errors then That will automatically submit and go through to submitted started status.


So that is something to be aware of that the, the role, maybe cool preparer but when the file is, is good? I will go through to submitted status.


Thanks, Dan.


Gonna actually throw a few questions to Belinda.


How can we check the validation errors when the return is completed? That is prior to submission.


It's actually a few different ways that appro connect validates the return. So the first will be when you, when you're within the return, you'll know. yes, you may remember that I clicked, Validate and Save.


At that point, APRA Connect is going to make sure that you don't have any duplicate rows. And arrange different issues. More to do with the structure of the data that you've loaded.


Then once you've clicked that validate and save, there's a Validate and Submit option.


Clicking the Validate and Submit option will actually run all of the rules that outstanding. So these are moyle like your business rules.


And both arrows and warnings will be displayed.


So in the demonstration I gave, I only had errors.


If there were warnings, I wouldn't be listed there.


The key thing to note is the warnings will only give you the option of providing a explanation for the warning, once you've clade all the errors. And the main reason for this is that, as you clear all those mandatory errors, you may also be clearing some of the warning.


We don't want to give you that extra burden, of having to put explanations against warnings that may disappear.


So, just remember, Validate and Save, when you are within the form.


And validate and submit, when you're viewing all the forms at the View Return screen.


Thanks. Linda, pay more for you on the right. Is the RSA structure applicable to general insurance with just the super industry? No, this is just a superannuation collection. It's part of the new Super Data Transformation Collection, so yes, it's only for the superannuation funds.


So just following on from that, Belinda, what we, what you've demonstrated there is for the superannuation forms and returns that we'll be fielding, but the functionality itself is applicable across all industries. The data collections, that correct. Yes, yes, everything and I I demonstrated today would be applicable regardless of what industry you're submitting data for APRA Connect.


Thanks, Belinda.


Now uploads to do. So I usually XML or XBRL.


It seems that you're saying that APRA Connect can accept Excel file format. Uploads, is that along with XML? You clarify that point for us. Yes, thank you. Yes, we're very excited to offer Excel in afro Connect, so you can choose to upload either an XML file, or an Excel file.


The reporting taxonomy artefacts include an access date and that will help you to prepare your XML files.


Just to add to that, so yeah, I would advise that the file formats that are available for each collection as part of the consultation. So what does have the ability to accept XML XML XBRL? It shouldn't be assume that all those formats will be available for all returns in the instance and the ones that But in the shown today for the super superannuation they are available for Excel and XML.


But for those of you not even superannuation, you'll be advised for a at each collection level, what formats are acceptable.


The question on the taxonomy out of facts.


When will the final super data transformation taxonomy artefacts be available? And I might add to that, when will the PH aren't quite sure if it's 6 0 5 be available. If I believe we're publishing the next week.


So, yes, not very much longer. You don't have to wait very much longer at all. So watch that space.


Having said that, you know, we are conscious that if you do notice any discrepancy between the artefacts and the reporting standard. The reporting standard is always the source of truth.


And if you did notice any differences, we'd love to hear from you.


Thanks Belinda. one for you, Dan. So one of the future plans, the API development to facilitate programmatic uploads. Yes, thanks, Jane. So, we are currently working on, on API capability.


The, the, we have been working with a number users from the pilot we recently ran to make sure the app is fully understood, The likely use cases for such functionality. So, we are working to get that in place soon. We do expect it to be there in time for the will be September Go Live what that will offer will be the ability for you to use as a sort of software that's connected. And there is a registration process, as you'd expect.


But you will, if you're using desktop software that allows you to prepare data and today, create a file you might then take and then uploaded to Africa working on functionality that will allow you to sort of press a button within that software that says Submit to APRA. And that'll be a 1 1 stop process. It'll allow you to submit data from the application you use to compare the data straight through to APRA connect.


Of course, the rule needs to be some configuration, and potentially some development that's needed to make that available to make it function, will obviously be releasing technical guides on how it needs to occur in the very near future.


Thanks, Dan. We have had a few questions from the super industry. But also want to just reflect on the other industries, though. So if the general insurance and ideas, what's the roadmap look like for them? If we could just recap on that, please don't.


Yep. So I think, importantly, James was talking about the roadmap. APRA Connect is the system that all entities should be using, or management, or that entity profile information.


Syllabus you saw in the demonstration with Belinda. But that does also include the submission of responsible and accountable person. So, they will now be on APRA Connect from September, Such returns should no longer be put through D2A and they will actually be, the ability to do those through this way, will be removed, after Go Live.


The future roadmap is sort of busy, but it's a multi year roadmap, and of course, it will go through everything that's coming up, and all the new collections on, on APRA Connect will go through the consultation processes that you are already very much used to.


But, there are collections of planned or the AI industry in early 2022.


And some of you may be familiar with some of the consultations around 220 in particular, and we also have another 100, 11, 5.


And also, in the insurance industry, there's also looking at IASB 17 and associate have changed.


It will be coming in and I believe that's more for 23, but there is a pretty full Roadmap entries, will be reporting on the next couple of years, that night, that you'll be advised that the actual dates, you know, as part of those consultation periods for those collections.


Thanks, Dan. Back over to you, Belinda. Can we see due dates for the returns that are in app connect? Yes.


On the end, when you went into the returns screen, the one of the columns that was listed there was the due date of H return.


Melinda, how will that be different from the production environment in the test environment, which we got to tonight's guests, the test environment wave. We will actually allocate the returns with a very long due date. That's just to enable entities plenty of time to use the test environment without the pressure of any overdue notices.


The reporting period end date will actually reflect the reporting standards and what you would expect the same production, but we'll have a very extensive due date for external test purposes.


Thanks Melinda.


And will the entity see the returns in the app connect system for them to fill out, or will they have to create returns?


They, so you have a range of returns that approval allocate to you, and they will reflect what would be expected of you going into production, So we'll allocate those returns to you.


There are some returns that you can create yourselves.


They tend to be for the corporate profile side, but all the regulatory reporting returns will be allocated to you and will be listed in your return screen. So if you don't see them, they're just double-check that your log, whether you're logged in as the administrator or trustee versus the fund, remember you'll only see those returns if you're logged in as the fun.


Thanks, Belinda.


Question on re submission, can you resubmit or replace the data even when it's automatically submitted with no validation errors? Yep, there's an option to request a resubmission. I'd recommend you have a look at our user guide first steps on what to do there.


Dependants, there's a little bit of a, if it's the RSA structure, because it has an ad hoc requirement in the reporting standard.


It follows a slightly different process, then returns, it, don't have an ad hoc requirement.


The user guide details all the instructions.


The question on Excel upload, the Excel upload file. Is it a form template that can be downloaded from APRA Connect? No. From the reporting taxonomy artefacts that we publish on our website.


Thanks for that. And will our existing XML file structures upload or will there be changes required? The format? As this super emulation returns that we've seen today are brand new collections.


I don't think you'll be able to re use any XML because they won't pay for the returns that we're allocating to you.


So that would be, you know, there's still follow, a standard XML structure.


But you will need to build your XML files based on those excess days that we publish via the artefacts.


Think, just to re-iterate the thanks, Belinda, that is because none of the existing collections that are on the way of being moved across the APA connects.


The only new collections are being built and put strain on the first time.


So in reference to existing XML structure, the XML files, that's relating to existing connections on the way. And, you know, they won't come across, as you said, your collections only on African X, and that will be advised as part of the consultation process over the coming years. And just following on from that, then, we do have another question just to re-iterate.


Does ID I's submit returns by Excel?


Yeah, so, I'll see the questions came in earlier, James, but yeah, just to re-iterate that point. The file formats that are available for each given return will be advised during that sort of consultation process. And it could well be that, you know, Excel is available that, it will very much depend on the nature of the return, the structures, et cetera, but that will be advised.


So, we have a keen Bay out there. The question is, can we launched the returns the May or is APRA Connect just for testing at this stage.


For this point in time it is. It is just the testing, you know. So yeah, that's good. They'd like to get that in there but yeah. It really is.


This is the Testing Period Book linearization training, you know getting yourself prepared for the September go live and as a dimension FOI strongly recommends that you're only putting test data into the test environments.


But do feel free to submit that data in in test.


So just remember if you say complaint, that doesn't mean it's submitted. Go ahead and click that validate and submit button.


We have focused a lot on the entities that are submitting that, how does rig ticks fit into this?


Ah, good question. So, yes, so, we have been working with a number of texts, and we do continue to two, as well. If you are, I'm not sure who the question came from, but if you are from reg tech, and you did not receive e-mails early this week about the reg tech registration process, please, Please, drop us a line, and we'll make sure that, that's, that's made available to you. But, the key thing here is, that the external test environments is being made available to read text, to operate in that environment, in their own right. So, in the past with D to a reg, tech would often need to be working with an entity who had access to these, who. I won't be able to see the forms, the returns net and to be able to sort of test submitting that data.


Without reconnect, rake tasks will actually be able to access the system in their own right. And we'll be able to test and build out their returns without the need to be working at the very beginning of the process with, you know, with an entity, would assume towards the end of the process, you'll be working with an entity to confirm. The doctor is correct. But certainly, one of the key elements of Epic connect is it red text will be able to have access to that environment, to work, and get to work under their own steam.


Just to clarify, then, we have talked about new collections only in APRA Connect. So one of the questions is about the previous data returns being imported into APRA Connect so that you have all of your history day?


Yes, So that that won't be the case. We are migrating entity, corporate profile information. So, you know, names and addresses. And then, in production, will be bringing him responsible, and accountable persons.


But there is, as after Connect is only moving forward with new collections. With data that has previously been submitted through APRA Connect, there'll be no historic load of previously submitted returns in Africa connects all the associated data.


Thanks, Dan. Belinda, I'm going to combine a couple of questions for you here.


Will there be a list of validation rules published like that is currently there for TTY and will it be published in pigs?


So, yes, we will be publishing the validation rule. So next week, you'll see, as part of the artifacts, a validation rule spreadsheet. There'll be a tab for ... and it's have superannuation. So we're definitely publishing those fire Excel on our app or website.


And don't forget on a collection by collection basis, The rules will also be in your reporting taxonomy spreadsheet.


They, we won't, we do not have any plans to publish them in pet. The pet is very much based on the Gateway forms and the APRA Connect form structures.


Looking at a pet like replacement to shoot the APRA Connect collections, and we will share more information about that as it becomes available.


My question on responsible and accountable persons.


Will they be submitted by APRA Connect. Yes, they certainly, well, so Dan mentioned earlier, we're not migrating any accountable or responsible persons data into the test environment because it's more sensitive information.


We will migrate all previously submitted data into the production environment, and from September, those returns will be submitted in at APRA Connect.


The role to submit that data is the corporate profile role and those returns will no longer be a bit APRA Connect to submission.


Thanks, Rosemary.


Back I was just some of the historical submissions that are indeed Hawaii. If there are queries from historical submissions, these still need to be submitted by D two. I. Is that correct? Yes. So whichever source system you use to submit your data, you will continue to use that so system. So if you've previously submitted via Gateway, you would revise your data via Gateway.


Similarly, if you had started to report a collection via a connect in nature to resubmit, you would resubmit it in that system.


Question for me on this one. This one's from Greg. If you are a reg tech, and you would like to access APRA Cobbect test environment, please go to the APRA Connect each area of ... website, and there is a section there on rate takes.


It shows you a process where you need to just follow and apply for access to the test environment. And there is a date for access that needs to be signed, So, that's all I dash on the website for you.


Couple of questions for those who may have been a little lighting on joining us in this webinar, this is being recorded and will be available to you after the session. We'll also provide the slides that have been presented, to make life a little easier for you.


one, last question I think: debate, accountability statements and accountability maps also need to be registered in applicant? Yes, they do. Thanks, Jane.


So, in the form, there's a separate section to upload the accountability maps and is also a separate return if you are just submitting and a castle and updated accountability map.


So, that information is all facilitated through APRA Connect, so yes, that's very much a one stop shop. Now, poor accountable to segments in APRA Connect, next. Obviously, the current processes house has a couple of different steps in it, but the web app connect is a one stop shop.


OK, I think we've covered pretty much all of the questions there. There's a couple that will refer to some of the uses outside of the webinar, so the information that we've presented today is available to you on our website. Your tool kit should include the APRA Connect guide and the relevant taxonomy artefacts.


If you need technical assistance whilst using APRA Connect, you will be familiar with our service desk who provide support for APRA Connect. You can e-mail 

55:10 and there is a line to call, if you need urgent assistance Superannuation entities, please continue to tap into those feedback session and FAQs and e-mail the super data transformation team with questions about the new reporting standards.


And, of course, you can contact me, or I need the team here,


That brings us to the conclusion of today's webinar. We really appreciate you joining this call. We've had over 600 subscribers, so it just goes to show the interest in APRA Connect.


We appreciate you listening in and ensuring that you are prepared for APRA Connect as we go live with the test environment from the 17th of June.


Again, if you have any additional questions, please reach out to the team and connect to that prompt dot gov dot IU. And a reminder that the recording of today's webinar will be made available after the session.


Thank you, and goodbye for now.