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Get Set for APRA Connect Go-live in September transcript

This is a transcript of the Get Set for APRA Connect Go-live in September webinar, which can be found on the Videos for APRA Connect page.



Thanks to everyone who's online.


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Good morning and thank you for joining us for today's webinar. My name is Jane Coad and I am the readiness lead for APRA Connect and your facilitator for today.


I'm joined by four of my colleagues whose voices should be familiar to you. We have Sean Carmody joining us today, he's the Executive Director across Industry Insights and Data at APRA.


Daniel Hunt is our business lead, and we have two of our system experts Rosemary Nyul, and Belinda Green and are ably assisted today by Tamara for the recording, and the slides.


And we are all broadcasting to you from our homes, as we work remotely in these locked down times. So we do apologize in advance for the odd dog barking, or little interruption, as we meet with you virtually today.


Before we get underway, a little housekeeping: We are recording this webinar, and it will be made available after the session.


All of our guests are on mute, and we have disabled the hands Up function, so that we minimize any unexpected interruptions for the recording.


We do encourage you to use the question function throughout the webinar, and we'll endeavor to answer as many questions as we can and as time permits. And for those who that we don't get to, we'll ensure any of the published materials address any outstanding questions.


As to our agenda for today, we'll focus our attention on funnel preparation and reminders of what entities need to do to be ready for go live on 13th of September.


We'll look at accessing APRA Connect data preparation and submission, and what information and the support is available to you.


But to kick us off, I'll pass over to Sean Carmody to open the session and provide some reflection on the journey to APRA Connect and billing future data collections.


Thanks very much, Jane. And as promised, you might be able to hear a dog in the background, so there you go. But I'd like to welcome everybody, and just to begin, I'd like to start by acknowledging the traditional custodians of the land on which we're all gathered together today, and I'm sure it'll spread out over many different lands as we gather.




I would like to begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we meet today, the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation and pay my respects to their Elders both past and present. 

I also extend that respect to other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are present today. 


So APRA Connect, we're getting very close to our go live date less than two weeks away. And before we get into that, I just thought I'd reflect briefly on the journey we've been on, it has been a long journey.


And we've been working closely with industry at every step, along the way, and I'm not just touch on a few points along the way. And, by the way, you can probably hear next, or Arborist as well.


Upset back in December 2017, We first announced their intention to replace our data collection solution.


So getting rid of, ultimately, our data isolation and replace it with a more modern, efficient, web based solution. And then, from that point of that announcement, we engaged very extensively with industry throughout 2018.


To make sure that we're building it towards a solution that really met the needs of ourselves, and an industry will be the ones using it.


We ultimately had a fairly rigorous tender process, and in April, 2019, so a bit over two years ago, we announced that by the software was the successful tender and would be delivering the new solution will reduce, which is ultimately been called APRA Connect.


Now, back at that point, when we announced that we had a very ambitious plan, we originally had a plan go live date of March 2020, some more than a year ago.


And that was really lined up with the date at which the Mike I bought, a authentication solution was going to be replacing us K at that point, we thought that there'll be some real challenges in having day to iMac that transition.


And we had, but with retrospect was typically too ambitious, a plan to migrate all our collections to the new system by that.


By that, I'd now, like all large technology projects, as we got into that, we realized that, you know, we had some really quite extensive challenges with that implementation approach.


And in, in the course, a very extensive consultation with industry and, instead of workshopping or different alternative approaches.


We announced a new implementation approach back in March 2020, because March 2020 was also, at the time, when really covert was, was hitting us with an event. And so, the original timeline was with post. And we shot it most of the project for much of 2020 and restarted in earnest at the beginning of this year.


So, as part of that, that plan, we're really focused to, to go with an approach that went with new collections. And so, that is ultimately, sort of, industry by industry, in terms of their large collections, while still having a system that everyone could, could login to, from day one.


So, over the course of the last year or so, we've consolidated on the work that's already been done. Really bedded down the technology, and ran a pilot that a number of number of organizations on this code would have been pato from earlier this year.


And then, since my, we've had the test environment open to everyone.


And I know many of you have already been making good use of that test environment to familiarize yourself practices to the system. And, I'm pleased to say, we've had, over a thousand years, is active on the system.


Over the course of that long journey with, we've had really excellent engagement with Industry and we've done that through a number of Channels. We've had, throughout what we refer to as the Strategic Industry Reference Group, or affectionately, known as the Cirque, which has had 11 meetings.


We've had a technical working group, which has had 10 meetings. More recently, we've had a Software vendor working group, which has also had a couple of meetings.


We've had support and partnership with industry associations. We've had numerous workshops with a wide range of industry participants on particular topics.


And throughout all of that engagement, we've really got very valuable insights with learnt a lot.


We've been able to respond to, feedback can really get us to where we are today, so I'd really like to thank everyone who's been involved in all of that engagement, peer support and contribution.


Now, at the outset, when we announced our plans back way back in 20 17, we said that the new collection system would be easier to use. That would require less ongoing maintenance, and it would be adaptable to future needs, and we really do believe that.


We're a couple of weeks time. We'll be rolling out a solution that achieves all of those goals.


What it means in terms of the future of data collection for Opera is this is a system that will allow more granular collection of data and those super entities amongst to. You'll be very familiar with that in terms of the new super collections.


It allows a transition for those reporting to upward transition and much greater automation. Lot of channels that making that process more streamlined will have a range of purpose submission channels, and will have with that test environment, which will keep, keep going, going forward. It allows for much more dynamic and iterative consultation.


So, we'll be able to move past the days where consultation was just all about PDF documents, and we'll be able to consult with a, you know, a test version of those of those new collections. So, that's really, pretty exciting setup for how we will be engaging with, with industrial on the collection of data into the future.


So, that's a bit of a whirlwind tour of the journey we've been on over the last few years. But, from here, we're gonna get into the details in the way ahead, rather than looking back to us. So, I'll hand over to Daniel to recap on their lives and readiness.


Thanks, Shawn. Hi, everybody, and thank you for joining us today, and I'd just like to echo Shawn comments as well in thanking you for, for being on this, on this journey with us.


It's hard to believe we're now less than two weeks away from the go live and APRA connect.


So it's time to ask. Are you ready for APRA connect?


Over a thousand of you have been busy in the test environment since it became available, which has been and continues to be, an opportunity to practice and to familiarize yourself with the features and the functions and the activities you will be performing in production.


But it's also an opportunity to test your processes, make any changes, and practice submitting data.


We've been very busy publishing information on our websites and FAQs, and responding to questions and queries that have been coming into us via e-mail or phone calls. And we will continue to do so as well.


But now, we do expect that you will have confirmed the users, and the user roles that your entity requires in production. And you've also practice setting these up.


Remember, our production and the test environment are separate. So, the hour I will need to do this again once you get access to production.


It's also, it does mean that any of your entity information that you've been busy updating and test will not be visible in production. This information won't be sync between the two environments.


And if you haven't already done so, please submit your all right nominations for production to Opera, because we do need to set these up again into the production environment. And we can't assume that each of your raises the same from test to production and re-use your nomination. So please, if you haven't already done so, get those nominations through to us.


Now by now you should be familiar with the fact APRA Connect will be used for recording both entity information and also for submitting data.


All entities will be responsible for maintaining the entity information, including your contact details and responsible persons and the cattle pestis too if you're from an idea.


As many of you have experimented with test after connect also has functionality for you to submit through to APRA ad hoc information that may be something you wish to provide securely to your supervisor.


With regards to submitting data as those of you in Superannuation and probably have will be very aware, first collections of APRA Connect for those industries with more coming online in the coming years.


So turning to an industry by industry view.


What does that mean for you? What will you be doing on APRA Connect from September 13th?


Well, for those of you in sucre, you'll be maintaining your entity information, such as the Corporate Profile and the Contact Details and Responsible Persons. And you have the new superannuation data transformation collections that are due at the end of the month.


The test environment will still be available, available to you, and you can also say, there are future collections in the pipeline for your industry.


Those of you in insurance, you'll also be, maintain your entity information, such as, your corporate profounder contact details, and there's a new collection for those of you in private health.


Test also remains available, and you can see, there are new collections planned for the future.


And for those of you an idea, RFC industries, you will also need to maintain your entity information, such as corporate profiles, and you're responsible persons, and that bear, as appropriate for you.


Test is, of course, also available to you.


And you can see there is quite a bit planned in the future pipeline for your industries.


Just to remind everyone, that the test environment you've been using is a separate environment from Production.


As we mentioned, data is not sync.


As you move forward from the Go Live. App Press intention is to keep releasing new collections into the test environment, and events are those becoming large collections to allow yourself to familiarize yourself and test submitting the data. So the test environment isn't around, you will continue to use.


Just a quick reminder, APRA Connect will run in parallel ..., so you should continue to submit all of your existing returns through Gateway any rate tax on the webinar. We've been getting some great engagement and system usage from you, and of course that access in the test and Bob will remain in place for you going forward.


So I think that covers just about everything, but a quick recap, all entities from old industries need to report your entity information on APRA Connect from the 13th of September.


Super and private health you have new collections to imminently of ADRs.


You also need to use APRA Connect for their submissions, And, of course, there's a pipeline of future Collections Plan APRA Connect.


However, however, please rest assured, acra will follow our usual consultation process for those new collections, and we've acts, on one hand over to Jane.


Thanks, Daniel, and yes, go live is a matter of days away.


It's really important for us to make sure that you are already to onboard from the 13th of September. It is fantastic to see many of the entities across all industries, taking advantage of the test environment to become familiar with the functionality, and protect practice data preparation and submission. And if you've been in the external testing environment, you will be really well placed to be able to get on board as efficiently and smoothly as possible when we opened the doors on the 13th. And as a, as a, as we mentioned before, over a thousand users are actively using that system, so it's great to see. And the test environment, just another reminder, is separate to the production environment. So, now integration, no data transfer. So let's recap the prerequisite states of setting up your users on Actors tonight and I'll ask Rosemarie to step us through or authenticating with my gov a date and setting up users as a good fresh reminder.


Thanks guys, right.


Thanks Jane and good morning to everyone. Hopefully you have had the opportunity to practice onboarding users in our test environment, but I'd just like to recap some of the points there. So the red ram is essentially creating your relationship between your organization and ... services. So that enables you to submit or to link with our service. So the e-mail that you set up with in ram can be different to your e-mail address. That you set up.


Your mic up ID, um, account wish. And we do recommend the use of business accounts for that Ram Relationship because that's where notifications from ... will be sent to. And we assume that if you use a business female, there may be more robust security measures around the information that's sent to that e-mail.


You must log in for each individual entity or each individual ABN. APRA Connect is set up differently today to weigh in data where you're able to login as one organization. And if you've been set up to submit on behalf of other entities and other funds, you're able to do so in APRA Connect. We can't facilitate that, because you need to be authenticated for each individual entity, so you must login for each entity, and you must have your access it up in ram for each individual entity. So that's an important note as well.


The nominated IRRI is something that needs to know for day one, because we need to know who to assign permissions do.


So recapping, what Dan was saying, please make sure you submit your nominations through the form in D2L for the production setup.


Um, the step for creating the account in APRA Connect is done through that o-auth authentication step.


When you click on the ... on you enter in your four digit code, that is what creates your account. So we have had a number of people asking how they are. Our eyes can create their accounts. You are not able to create a user account. It's done through that interaction with my ID. But then, the right after that point, is able to assign permissions to that user. When a user's account is created, the ... will receive an e-mail to ask them to assign permissions.


If you have, OK, it will ... through markup ID, but you haven't yet had any permissions assigned, You will only see the home screen, but there will be no menu items visible to you.


So you'll know that someone needs to assign those permissions to you, And just, as always, there's going to be a bit of a time lag for the initial users, because manually needs to manually assign those permissions, so we get notification that you've logged in, and had your account created. And it will take us some time to work through, all of Uses, and set up their account. So please bear with us if you have had your account created. But you don't yet have your permissions assigned.


Just to recap on that slide, you must login for each ABN, the nomination form in D two. I only advise this ... who to assign the roles too, So we have had some confusion that people think, submitting that nomination form does create their account, and that the IRRI cannot create an account, they can only assign permissions once a user's account has been created.


Just want to talk through a couple of additional roles, and some of the non financial returns that exist in APRA Connect to the corporate profile.


Permission allows users to update corporate type information, such as name, Names of Contact people, address information. And also responsible persons and accountable persons. If you are part of the IDI industry.


This role also allows users to submit requests through SRE.


corporate corporate profile type of forms also allow users to submit requests or to Opera and upload documents. So the next couple of slides, we'll look at each of the permissions required and the types of forms that those permissions will allow you to create and submit.


So the Culvert Profile Administrator role allows users to create the types of returns that are highlighted there in red on the screenshot on the right.


Um, These returns cannot be submitted, but each time you have information that you want to update and submit through to Appa, you need to create a new return and submit that information through.


Because only corporate profile administrators can create these returns. They are the only role that will receive notifications when the submission has been made. These returns don't have due dates.


So we do expect that if you have new information that you need to submit through to appro, you will take the prompt to create the returns And submit that information through to us. And There may be some returns sitting there which aren't applicable for your industry. So, you simply don't need to submit those returns at any point in time.


So, this turn, this slide talks to the ad hoc return permission, and these are the types of returns that the ad hoc written permission can create title, highlighted in yellow there. Again, these returns shouldn't be re submitted, but if you have new information to pass through to approach, you would create a new return to submit. These returns don't have due dates.


And, again, if there's information that you need to update in APRA Connect, we would expect you to do that in due time, or as soon as the information's available to you.


And there may be returns presented here, which aren't clickable to your industry. So, obviously, you don't have any obligations to submit that information through to us. On this particular slide, I'd like to draw the attention to the first return, which is highlighted the ad hoc request and file upload return. So this return has quite a few purposes.


You can request things such as extensions to due dates. You can request various exemptions for returns or validation rules, et cetera, through this type of return. And you can also submit documents through to ....


So there was a question that little early in the chat that came through asking about if this return replaces secure doc.


So this return can be used for a number of types of documents that you would submit through to your supervision team.


I have provided a brief list on the right of that screenshots.


That's by no means an exhaustive list. But those are the types of documents that you can certainly attach and submit through this ad hoc request and file upload, return, secure.


Isn't going away, and because there was a file limit to the types to the file size of documents that are uploaded into APRA Connect. You may find that if it's a particularly large file, you'll still need to submit that through secure doc, but certainly by attaching files to this particular return, your supervisors will receive automatic notification that you've submitted that document, and they'll be able to review it from there. So we hope that that's an improvement for you.


Just, um, a couple of slides with some information on responsible persons and bear. So if you have had a look at your corporate profile, in our test environment, you'll see that we didn't migrate to any of the data you've previously provided through ....


So, we will be migrating all of that data that you have provided in the past for our production system for our September 13 release.


We do need a phrase period for that data, so you won't be able to submit any new information from midnight on the fifth of September until the production go live. So if you do know of any changes that you need to make to your responsible persons, or your bear, population, please get those in prior to May, not on the fifth of September, or you can hold off and submit that on the 13th.


The bear return will still be available in data way between the sixth of September and the fifth the 13th for our Go live. So if you do have any new information that you do, you feel you need to submit through, you can do that through data way for that interval.


I've just got one slot here to assist in updating existing responsible persons, because he may not have the opportunity to have practice that in your test environment, if you're just submitting new persons. So, there's pretty much three steps to updating existing responsible person until their data. When you create the return, you would expand out the section that I've highlighted there.


It's going to green plus sign to show that you can expand the section. You then select the existing person that you wish to update and validate and save. to confirm that that's the record that you wish to update. And then you can click on edit to, to edit the data for that specific person.


And you can submit, or then choose another person that you want to edit the information for. But I just thought I'd put those steps in there because it's something that you may not have had the opportunity to test in our test environment.


Thanks very much. Back to you, Jane.


Terrific. Thank you, Rosemary. And while we've got you on the mic, there is a couple of questions that I just want to address that are coming through. I think the first one we've actually addressed, but I'll just confirm that. for us. While the information won't be LinkedIn production environment will prod have any prepopulated information already held by a prompt? And I think we've answered that question that the information will be migrated from D2D to APRA Connect. And particularly all of the bay are responsible persons, the information will be available to you in production. So you will need to review and update that from the 13th of September when we go live.


The other question that I see you rank is, future plans for APRA Connect to be used to also click responses to standard monthly quarterly return queries from institutions.


Because, due to internal policies, this particular entity uses passwords, encrypted files to share externally via e-mail, And so, hopefully, African Act will replace this requirement. So if you could just comment on the query process, rosemarie.


So if they're talking about the query process, where after you have submitted your return, we co-ordinate questions that we'd like to ask. And also, on behalf of RBI and ABS, yes, that system will be brought into APRA Connect.


It'll be available for you on the screen, so when you navigate to a return that you've submitted, and we notify you that we've raised some queries, you'll be able to view those and respond to them on-screen.


You'll also be able to export them to Excel, and e-mail those to other team members if they're off shore, or they're not on APRA connect. And then you can co-ordinate a collective response to those queries and upload them in a single file to populate back the responses. So we've certainly improved the query process for you. Because we only have new collections coming on for super NPI child. We haven't yet developed follow-up queries yet, so the query process won't be running on day one.


But we'll certainly send information about that when it's applicable for your industry as we start using query process.


Thanks, Rosemarie, a couple more are coming in, so we might address those as we, before we move on.


I understand the corporate user, and the ad hoc user are optional for the initial RI. And this entity is asking, Is it OK if the initial IRRI nominate the right corporate user straightaway on day one?


We do prefer that the R R, I manages the on boarding and permissions for their users, so that Opera isn't facilitating numerous people at the one organization. We do have around 4000 entities to potentially get onboard in those first few weeks. We don't know what the audience would look like, so we do just want to onboard the initial RI. If the RI, if there's only one person at the organization, with access to APRA Connect, they cannot assign permissions to themselves. So, if they need those specific roles that need to call it out in that nomination form.


But if you, if, if it's someone else at your organization and you are the RR I we do request that you can assign those permissions.


That would be great.


Thanks, Ross, right? And there is a couple of questions about, where do too I information and responding to that, being able to access it?


Just a general comment or response to those questions, data that is submitted on data, why, at the moment, is where you'll find your submission history for that data and have to do any race submissions. In designing new collections, new data collections on African, it's going forward, and you'll be able to do queries and see historical data on APRA Connect for those new collections as they go forward.


So you will have dual collection, dual system usage for some time, as we transition all of them, over to APRA Connect over the coming years.


I think we can probably go on. And I'll keep tracking the questions as we go. I think we can move now on to data preparation and submission. So just to recap, for the banking industry, general and life insurance data, returns will remain on ...


until those collections are revised and updated and go onto ....


So if you have not seen any returns available to you in the test environment, that is why they are not available yet in ....


You will know, however, when the data returns are required to be submitted to the APRA Connect, as April will engage with you as we usually do in our consultation process processes on any new collections or changes to collections.


So during the consultation period, the collection design the taxonomy artifacts, the submission methods will be clearly communicated to you.


You'll have everything you need to get ready for a new collection on an effort konate.


So the data collections that do go live on African Act from the 13th of September or the new Superannuation Data Transformation Collection and the PH on ... six Oh, five return.


So we'll recap some important information that we've previously provided in webinars and on the guidance materials, and will introduce a new approvals step for submission of validated data returns.


So I'm gonna pass over to Linda to tell us about the new approval stick and what entities need to do.


Thanks, Melinda.


Thank you, Jane. Yes.


So we have we're introducing an optional of an approval step, so I'm just going to outline the background and how we're going to introduce it. So the auto submit functionality occurs. Currently, when a return has passed all validation errors and warnings is uploaded to APRA Connect.


The ability to auto submit applies to all our users.


So, we've had feedback that the order submission presents additional considerations for governance processes, including the ability for one person to prepare the data, but a different person to review, confirm, and submit.


So, in response to the feedback, we've developed this optional validation rule.


So, this will prevent data returns from automatically submitting.


The return will not appear by default. The, sorry, the rule validation rule will not appear by default. Instead, entities will need to advise the Data Analytics Team that they wish to opt in to receive the warning message.


You can see at the bottom of this slide, we've included the e-mail address.


two, if you would, prefer, not to start receiving this Additional Validation Rule.


So, on the screen, you can see an example of the roving trinket.


In this instance, the user had been preparing the superannuation return, SF 332.


They had resolved all other errors and warnings.


And this remaining error appeared to this would allow somebody to then pause and, if necessary, somebody else could take over and do that approval and submit step.


All the same user could. If that, if that's not a step that is required by their entity, that can enter a comment, and then click the continue to submit button, and the return would be received by a prompt.


So if you are interested in taking on this optional approval step, please e-mail us.


We'll need the the ABN of the entity that you're you wish to apply this rule to. And I just wanted to call out the superannuation funds.


That means the ABN of the fund not the trustee, as it's the returns are allocated to superannuation funds, not the trustees' at this point.


Um, so, if we move on.


We've had some further feedback from users through their use of the test environment, and I want to highlight some additional functionality that will help support entities within some of the internal processes that we've been receiving some feedback about.


So, for data that has been uploaded into the data returns, entities can use the Upload History function.


This Upload History function would allow you to retrieve the files in same format that you've used to upload, that you can use this To view data that exceeds the 200 rows.


APRA Connect is limited. It will only render the first 200 drivers.


After that, you can use this Upload history to view that information.


Also, the Upload History Screen includes a hashing algorithm.


That generates a value that will remain the same if the data has not been modified.


This would help people to confirm that the information hasn't changed between uploads. And we believe that I'll help orders and other people who review this information.


So if you want more information about how to use the upload history, please refer to the webinar that is listed there. We gave a detailed step through of that process.


Similarly, if you've uploaded some ad hoc files, and Rosemary cover that a little bit earlier, You may have uploaded, for example, a financial condition report. You can also retrieve that file in the same format that it was uploaded.


And we encourage you to look at there's a separate webinar that's listed there, and that would give you an example the detailed steps of retrieving an ad-hoc file.


Actually, just to give you a sneak preview, before you go and look at those webinars, we've just got a couple of screenshots to show you what that might look like.


So, the upload history, when you're viewing your return, you can see on in the picture on the right-hand side, the pointer is pointing at the upload history button.


So you can click that, and you would say all the different files that have been used to upload the information into APRA Connect and included in that is a link to the hash algorithm separately. You might find of interest when a return has been submitted multiple times.


You can see in the second picture on the right hand side, we're looking at a audit log.


In this instance, the return was submitted three times.


So this audit log will allow you to look at those three different revisions if you need to compare the values that have been submitted.


And the bottom half of this slide shows you for ad hoc file uploads, how you can retrieve, view, and retrieve a file that's been uploaded.


So, once you view that return, you can see that there's a link to the Upload A document.


Once again, we have webinars that will demonstrate that.


OK, a reminder about the taxonomy artifacts, April, we will publish the following artifacts for all collections that are submitted via APRA Connect.


We have the Data Dictionary, which is applicable to all collections in APRA Connect, as well as the validation file, which, again, is applicable to all data collections. We have a different tab for each industry.


Then you have the reporting taxonomy Excel spreadsheets, which are specific to a collection, and the excess day files, which again, specific to a collection and they used by people submitting via XML.


We've also published a very detailed document that explains the functions used in the validation rule, so that was just at the end of that previous tab.


We're conscious that the validation rules convey quiet, complex, so the, that that expression document will help, the data dictionary is essentially a lot and Macquarie data dictionary, sorry, the Macquarie dictionary. If you, if you think about a dictionary, it contains all the words available, you know in our language.


So, APRA connect land, the data dictionaries where all the objects are listed, and defined, But there's no context.


We'll see that context shortly.


The data dictionary contains all the elements, data types, and enumeration across all collections in APRA Connect.


So, if the data dictionary is Latin Macquarie dictionary, the recording taxonomies are like novels, reporting taxonomy, combine certain objects together to give context, or to tell a story. For example, it could be the story of expenses.


So, you can see listed here, all the different worksheets that are within the Excel based reporting taxonomy.


I've highlighted these ones, in particular, because the, within the reporting taxonomy, we also have template files that you can use to submit your data if you're using Excel.


All of these listed worksheets are not required when uploading your data to Excel via APRA Connect.


So, the elements, the objects that appear on the phone.


So, it could be, for example, total expenses.


Data types describe the format of the object, for example, effects and monetary, or percentage that we value, that we're expecting, and enumerations a list of valid values.


And, just to call out, they are case sensitive.


So, they need to match exactly what you see in the recording taxonomies.


And the recording taxonomy can be used regardless of whether you're manually entering data or uploading using one of our approved formats, you know, like Excel or XML.


The reporting taxonomy contains detailed properties about all aspects of the collection, including elements, data types, and enumerations that I've already spoken about, as well as the validation rules.


That can be that will be applied before you submit the return. So, that's why the reporting taxonomies applicable to everybody, because because it contains all those detailed properties.


Worksheets, if we move to the next slide.


The worksheets that you, that you can say here are the ones that can be used as a template when uploading data using Excel.


It's important that you keep the same name for the worksheets, don't change the names because they form part of the process of uploading.


On the entity details worksheet, we'll validate the AVN and the reporting end date.


On the second section of this slide, you will see you will have, for a given reporting collection, you'll have a worksheet for each of the different forms that are applicable to that collection and they'll be prefixed with ... for the Private Health Insurance Collection or SRF for the superannuation collection. And then, it will go on to list the form code and table number.


So, these worksheets display the layout of the form.


They also will indicate the first row of data that APRA Connect will read. And I'll show you that in a second in on the next slide.


And again, the worksheet name should not be changed.


These are the two combinations of worksheets that shouldn't be uploaded to APRA Connect if you're submitting via Excel.


And so, I just wanted to quickly call out that you worked examples.


We don't recommend that you use those templates. Please use the templates that are included in these reporting texts on these.


So here's a sneak preview of a Entity Detail worksheet.


And you can see that in the background, so we validate the ABN and the reporting end date.


Notice the name of the worksheet is Entity Details, no spaces.


The second picture towards the front is an example of the template for the performance components.


Return for the superannuation. Notice the starting row is row five.


So this, this is the reason we prefer that you use, that we request that you use the reporting taxonomy for these templates.


We give you the correct worksheet name, so we only start writing data from row five onwards.


And over to you, Jane.


Thanks, Belinda. So hopefully, that's highlighted just a few areas that you may be experiencing a few little questions about, especially with the taxonomy artifacts.


And just a reminder, to always check back to the website to make sure you have the latest version of the taxonomy artifacts and are using dash. We do publish those from time to time with any corrections or updates. We do have a question coming in that actually has been answered. But just whilst we're on taxonomy artifacts, that might be interesting to others. When we have a new collection, whether that be general insurance or banking, or new ones in the super industry, etcetera. Those artifacts will be published on the website, and you will be provided with copies before we go live, so that you have all the information that you need to prepare data for whatever that new and upcoming collection is.


There's a couple of questions there with regard to onboarding. So I'll just answer those in general. If you are the first IRRI on the system, you may be asking, How do I create a user, Or where do I get a notification that I've got a new user? You cannot create a user and only assign A role to a user, that it's on the system.


Any other, any user, must login using their My gov ID using the URL for African Ached for their account to be created.


And once once the account is created, you will then be notified through APRA Connect that you've got a new user who's ready to have the roles assigned, and you can assign roles to them.


In terms of the roles, there is no limit to the number of users that you have, no, the combination of the roles that you want to assign to any of the uses that you have in your, in your business. You can arrange that for whatever works for your business processes. And there is a description of the different roles and the permissions associated with those roles on our website as well.


Let's just see if there's any other questions coming through.


Not too many that I think we've covered most of them.


So thank you very much, and please still add to those.


I think we've got most of those questions already covered.


I will ask one for the lindahl Just in terms of the Excel Excel template.


Does it have to be hard coded when uploaded to APRA Connect or can it be linked to our working files and uploaded?


Now, that should be fun, to have those links still in your Excel files.


They don't have to be. You don't have to do copies by special values.


Thank you. Just with regard to the bay and accountability maps and statements via African net rather than appro secure folder from the 13th of September, Yes, that is correct. You will be able to upload those documents via APRA Connect instead of using secure or via e-mail.


Thanks, Jane. And just to add to that, you actually can apply those faults within the Bear Return. So if you're uploading, and if you're telling us of a new, accountable person, you can upload their Accountability Statements, and Maps in the Return itself.


Otherwise, if you're re structured, and you've just got an accountability map to update after which you can do that as well, in a separate return.


Thanks, Sean.


Thanks Rosemarie, just with regard to the RI nominations. Can I clarify?


For, for those who have asked some of the questions, you can, you can still submit an ..., a nomination for the use of the test environment that is separate to the nomination for Production Environment.


There is a form on D two Y that you should use to submit your nomination for the production environment. And it does include the additional questions about what additional roles that you would like that initial IRRI to have assigned to them.


You cannot just re-use, you must submit a separate nomination for production. It may well be the same person, but you will need to advise us off of that, so that we can check against it when we are assigning roles to use this as, like, logging from the 13th of September.


Great. Well, thank you very much.


I think we've got most of the questions of being covered by the material in the report, And I think, Well, we'll go through a checklist, but we will be maintaining those, looking through those questions, post the webinar. So, if they aren't answered in the webinar, we'll make sure that we get to you after the webinar.


So, wave moving on, now, just to appear a few key actions, to make sure you're ready for go Live, provided you with a little go life check list here.


And I must emphasize again, you do need to advise afra of your initial IRRI, are admin. People will be checking that nomination before they assign roles.


And if you are one of those who don't use ..., you can use the data analytics, it extra e-mail address, to Noser font.


Us of this, we will not assign roles in production unless we're really clean about who in the entity has been nominated, and which roles that they need to be assigned.


Once the first RA is on board, and you are all set up, then your other users can onboard and be assigned their roles.


You'll be now in a self managing situation for user access.


You will need to review and update the migrated entity and responsible persons and bear information that's transferred into the production environment, So, please do that, That applies to all entities across holding industries.


And for the superannuation PHR industry, of course, your data returns will be there and available for you to start preparing and submitting those returns.


And as Belinda walked through the approval step for submission of validated data returns, if you wish to take advantage of that additional step, that validation rule being applied to your entity, please e-mail us via the data analytics e-mail address and let us know for what entities we'd like that to be.


apply to.


And we'll get that done for you, and in preparation, four, Go Live on the 13th.


OK, now there is a lot of information and support available to you.


It is all on our website, and publish and easy, easy to find.


So our Support material does have the Applicant Guides.


It covers all of the information that we've provided and more about the functionality of applicants.


We had the webinar recordings, and we've done a few webinars webinars over the last couple of months in the lead up to go live.


They are all available on the website, and this one will be available to you, of course, after the session, as well There is demonstrations on those webinars. So please access those to support your data prep, Russian insufficient. Particularly, there are frequently asked questions. And we'll continue to add to those so place checking for some of those questions for a quick answer.


The effort of the taxonomy artifacts are available for you. And as linear, explain this explanatory notes. And the Expression Function Guide is also available.


There's more information on a range of topics, Technical information, user roles, Security.


And the lock is available on the website.


If, at the end of the day, that still doesn't answer your questions, please contact us through our support, the appro dot gov. I you e-mail address.


And we have the, the phone number there, as well, if you need to contact one of our service operators for any technical issues, and, of course, as you usually do, you have the data analytics team that can provide you any of the detailed information about your returns and collections.


That is your tool kit. It should have it handy with you. It should provide you everything that you need.


We're here to help you and support you with your introduction, 2 African eight.


And that finally brings us to the conclusion of today's Webinar. I'd just like to say from our team, we're really excited to welcome you all on board when we go live in a couple of weeks' time.


But for now, thank you for joining us and for all of your efforts in getting ready for APRA Connect, a reminder that the recording will be available to you after the webinar. Thank you and goodbye.