Choice Heatmap dashboard - accessible version
The complete view of the Insights paper - APRA Choice Heatmap is available here: Insights paper - APRA Choice Heatmap.
For the Choice Heatmap the dashboard outlines:
- Heighten transparency to hold trustees accountable.
- Provide comparable measures of performance across products.
- Promote beneficial consolidation to drive better outcomes to members.
- 1,038 investment pathways, 163 unique super products, 604 unique investment options.
- $292 billion member benefits, 47% of Choice accumulation phase, 77% APRA Heatmaps coverage of accumulation phase.
Significantly poor investment returns (8 years)
- 80 options, $10 billion member benefits, 4.1% of member benefits.
Administration fees disclosed
- Significantly high
i. 48 products, $8.8 billion member benefits, 3.0% of member benefits
- Average annual fee for a $50,000 balance
i. $149 open Choice, $225 closed Choice, $137 MySuper
For more information
Email or mail to
Senior Manager, Superannuation Strategic Insights
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority
GPO Box 9836
Sydney NSW 2001