APRA's Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan Nov 2020 - 2022 - Accessible version
“A Reconciliation Action Plan is a strategic document that supports an organisation’s business plan. It includes practical actions that will drive an organisation’s contribution to reconciliation both internally and in the communities in which it operates.”
Reconciliation Australia
By developing a RAP, APRA will:
- implement a tried and tested framework, that is proven to drive reconciliation through practical actions.
- turn APRA’s good intentions into action by formalising our commitment to reconciliation.
- reaffirm institutional integrity by embedding an engaging framework contributing towards good governance practices.
- join a dynamic, supportive and fast-growing network of RAP organisations.
- gain greater esteem as an employer of choice and build a more dynamic and diverse workforce.
- enable our staff to develop greater cultural awareness and professional development practices that will strengthen relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders.
- gain access to new markets and better engagement with existing markets.
- ensure more effective and relevant service delivery to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities.
- Reconciliation Australia
Our Vision
APRA’s vision for reconciliation is a country where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have access to the same opportunities as other Australians; where the financial well-being of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples is protected; and where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge is respected within the financial system.
We will support this vision by exchanging learnings with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to enrich our cultural understanding and our regulatory activities. We will value and respect the knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as we ensure financial promises are met and strive to deliver enhanced community outcomes.
Acknowledging the importance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures is an important aspect of APRA leadership, people and culture. We will uphold our value of respect to improve relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people within our workplace and will seek meaningful and respectful engagement with First Nations peoples and other stakeholders who are also working towards reconciliation.
Our Business
The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) is an independent statutory authority established for the purposes of prudential supervision of financial institutions and for promoting financial system stability in Australia.
APRA is responsible for protecting the interests of depositors, insurance policy-holders and superannuation fund members. Our mandate is to protect the Australian community by establishing and enforcing prudential standards and practices designed to ensure that under all reasonable circumstances, financial promises made by institutions APRA supervises are met within a stable, efficient and competitive financial system.
Our core functions are:
APRA’s policy function is directed at protecting the Australian community by establishing minimum expectations for financial institutions and empowering APRA’s supervisors to achieve desired outcomes;
APRA’s supervision function is directed at protecting the Australian community by identifying and responding to significant risks to financial institutions and the financial system in a timely and effective manner; and
APRA’s resolution function is directed at protecting the Australian community from financial loss and disruption by planning for and implementing prompt and effective responses to a crisis in the financial system.
APRA employs over 900 people including one Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff member, and has offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Canberra. Organisationally and operationally, APRA lives by its core values:
- Integrity
- Collaboration
- Accountability
- Respect
- Excellence
Our Reconciliation Action Plan
APRA recognises there is a role for government agencies in building a united Australia where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritages, cultures and peoples are respected and valued. To this end APRA is keen to play a part in Reconciliation and has developed this RAP to translate our commitment into practical deliverables. These deliverables build on the foundations laid through our first Reflect RAP in 2017-18, including:
Participation in the Jawun Program
This ongoing program enables APRA to support Reconciliation by placing skilled APRA employee in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations to share their expertise and assist the organisations to achieve their goals and objectives.
Involvement in the Indigenous Australian Government Development Program
APRA continues to offer traineeship opportunities to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people through this program. Trainees are members of the RAP working group and assist APRA to learn more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures.
Events and displays marking National Reconciliation Week
APRA supports National Reconciliation Week (NRW) through raising awareness of the significance of NRW and encouraging employee to participate in events and taking the opportunity to learn about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and experiences.
Events and displays during NAIDOC Week
APRA’s NAIDOC Week celebrations included a range of talks, displays, visits and information about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. Events were held in all APRA offices, increasing the opportunities for employee from across APRA to appreciate the richness and diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures.
Continuing to participate in the Commonwealth Government’s Indigenous Procurement Policy
This initiative is another way in which APRA, as part of the Commonwealth Government, is able to provide practical support to Reconciliation through ensuring that where appropriate, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses are considered for procurement opportunities that arise.
RAP identified as one of priority areas under APRA’s Inclusion & Diversity Strategy
APRA’s vision for Inclusion & Diversity is that as an organisation we embrace differences and work together, to achieve great outcomes for APRA and the Australian community. Developing a RAP is a key priority of our Inclusion & Diversity Strategy.
Application of Welcome to and Acknowledgement of Country
Endorsement and application of protocols for conducting Welcome to and Acknowledgement of Country, including circulating cards to assist senior executives perform an Acknowledgement of Country at appropriate events.
Establishing a network with partner agencies
APRA is working with the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA), Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) and Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) to share ideas and approaches to Reconciliation.
APRA’s second RAP is an Innovate RAP, designed to build on the foundations of our first Reflect RAP to continue our reconciliation journey and focusing on the following themes:
1. Establishing strong relationships
with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals and organisations with a key focus on supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander become more involved in and connected to, the financial sector.

2. Respecting
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, cultures and histories through visible recognition of the role Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and histories has played in influencing the Australia of today and tomorrow.

3. Creating opportunities within APRA
for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people through developing our capability to attract and retain Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and continuing to support and encourage the provision of goods and services to APRA by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations, individuals and groups.

4. Strong Governance
over our Reconciliation Action Plan to ensure we deliver on our commitments.
The diagram below depicts the foundation actions delivered through our Reflect RAP and the direction we are taking with those actions to support delivery of the themes in our Innovate RAP.
Message from the Chairman
The RAP has been approved by the APRA Executive Committee following review and refresh of the 2017- 18 RAP by a volunteer Working Group (WG) spanning all levels of staff within APRA, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff, regional office representatives and a new RAPWG chair at the General Manager level.
Internally, Reconciliation is championed by the Executive Director, Cross Industry Division and the Executive Director, Banking Division, and is a priority area in APRA’s Inclusion and Diversity Strategy.
Current membership of the RAPWG is:
- General Manager Branch 2, Superannuation
- Division, Sydney – Chair of the RAPWG
- Senior Manager, Resolution Branch, Sydney
- Talent Partner Talent, Enterprise Services Division Sydney
- Risk Specialist Remuneration & Accountability, Governance, Remuneration, Culture and Accountability Division, Sydney
- Manager Private Health Insurance, Insurance
- Division, Canberra
- Senior Manager Branch 1, Superannuation Division, Melbourne
- Senior Solicitor, Policy and Advice Division, Sydney
- Policy Advisor Superannuation, Policy and Advice Division, Sydney
- Principal Analyst Investigations, Policy and Advice Division, Sydney
- Principal Analyst Data Frameworks, Cross Industry Insights and Data Division, Sydney
- Senior External Communications Advisor, Enterprise Services Division, Sydney
- Senior Systems Engineer, Enterprise Services Division, Sydney
All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees of APRA are encouraged to join the RAPWG in order to incorporate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives on APRA’s approach to Reconciliation. APRA has engaged the services of Two Point Co. (an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander owned consultancy) to review our approach to developing our Innovate RAP.
Indigenous perspectives on APRA’s approach to Reconciliation are obtained from the Senior Systems Engineer, Enterprise Services Division who is a proud Yorta Yorta man and member of the RAPWG.
APRA’s Innovate RAP continues our Reconciliation journey, seeking to build on the foundation of awareness and support for Reconciliation through more strategic use of APRA’s unique role and skill sets. It also continues APRA’s commitment to core Reconciliation activities including cultural learning, practicing cultural protocols and growing our contribution to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment.
Wayne Byres Chairman, APRA
Establishing strong relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals and organisations will facilitate the exchange of learnings with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to enrich our cultural understanding and our regulatory activities.
We will do this through connecting with local communities and supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians become more involved in and connected to, the financial sector.
Focus area: Building strong relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples supports APRA’s strategic priority to improve external engagement and collaboration.
Action - Establish and maintain mutually beneficial relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders and organisations
Deliverable | Timeline | Responsibility |
1. Establish connections with local Land Councils in each area where APRA has offices – Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Canberra in order to develop guiding principles for future engagement. | Sept 22 | Risk Specialist, Remuneration & Accountability |
2. Develop a list of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, communities and organisations within local areas. | Mar 21 | Risk Specialist, Remuneration & Accountability |
3. Develop and implement an engagement plan to work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders and organisations. | Mar 22 | Risk Specialist, Remuneration & Accountability |
Action - Build relationships through celebrating National Reconciliation Week (NRW)
Deliverable | Timeline | Responsibility |
1. Circulate Reconciliation Australia’s NRW resources and reconciliation materials to our staff. | May21 May22 | Principal Analyst, Investigations |
2. RAP Working Group members to participate in an external NRW event. | May21 May22 | Chair, RAP Working Group |
3. Encourage and support staff and senior leaders to participate in at least one external event to recognise and celebrate NRW. | May21 May22 | Executive Director, Cross Industry Division |
4. Organise at least one NRW event each year. | May21 May22 | Principal Analyst Data Analytics and Insights |
5. Register all our NRW events on Reconciliation Australia’s NRW website. | May21 May22 | Principal Analyst, Investigations |
6. Arrange for an article in APRAnews about the significance of National Reconciliation Week and advertising events for staff to attend. | May21 May22 | Principal Analyst, Investigations |
Action - Promote reconciliation through our sphere of influence
Deliverable | Timeline | Responsibility |
1. Implement strategies to engage our staff in Reconciliation. | Mar 21 | Manager Private Health Insurance |
2. Post Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander news blogs on the Inclusion and Diversity Council (IDC) blog website to provide APRA’s staff easy access to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander information. | Sept 22 | Manager Private Health Insurance |
3. Purchase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Lands of Australia map for each APRA office and work with staff to find a suitable location to display. | Dec 20 | Manager Private Health Insurance |
4. Purchase Australian, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flags for each APRA office and work with staff to find a suitable location to display. | Sept 21 | Manager Private Health Insurance |
5. Communicate our commitment to reconciliation publicly. | Jun 21 | Senior External Communications Advisor |
6. Explore opportunities to positively influence our external stakeholders to drive reconciliation outcomes. | Sept 22 | Senior Manager Resolution |
7. Include an overview of the RAP as part of employee induction processes. | Mar 21 | Talent Partner Talent |
8. Collaborate with RAP and other like-minded organisations to develop ways to advance reconciliation through connecting with other government agencies with which we deal regularly – ASIC, RBA, ACCC, HR Forum. | Dec 20 | Manager Private Health Insurance |
Action - Promote positive race relations through anti-discrimination strategies
Deliverable | Timeline | Responsibility |
1. Conduct a review of HR policies and procedures to identify existing anti-discrimination provisions and future needs. | Mar 22 | Talent Partner Talent |
2. Engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and/ or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander advisors to consult on our anti-discrimination policy. | Jun 21 | Talent Partner Talent |
3. Develop, implement and communicate an anti- discrimination policy for our organisation. | Mar 22 | Talent Partner Talent |
4. Educate senior leaders on the effects of racism. | Sept 22 | Executive Director, Cross Industry Division |
5. Host a screening of the Final Quarter for employee and facilitate a discussion following the film using the associated resources. | Sept 21 | Chair, RAP Working Group |
Through respect, recognition and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, cultures and histories, APRA will be in a better position to contribute in a meaningful way to Reconciliation.
We will demonstrate respect through recognition and build understanding by supporting our staff to contribute to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations and communities through APRA initiated activities.
Focus area: Through building respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, APRA is in a stronger position to deliver its mandate to protect the Australian community.
Action - Increase understanding, value and recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories, knowledge and rights through cultural learning
Deliverable | Timeline | Responsibility |
1. Conduct a review of cultural learning needs within our organisation. | Mar 21 | Talent Partner Talent |
2. Consult local Traditional Owners and/or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander advisors on the development and implementation of a cultural learning strategy. | June 21 | Talent Partner Talent Risk Specialist Remuneration & Accountability |
3. Develop, implement and communicate a cultural learning strategy for our employees. | Sept 21 | Talent Partner Talent |
4. Build and maintain an APRA Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Digital Resource Library to provide staff with online access to Indigenous books, films and other resource material. | Mar 21 | Manager Private Health Insurance |
5. Investigate and encourage participation by staff in local cultural experiences and immersion opportunities including APRA’s continued commitment to the JAWUN secondment program. | June 21 | Talent Partner Talent |
6. Encourage teams across APRA to consider Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural activities when planning their team building activities. | Mar 21 | Principal Analyst Data Analytics and Insights |
7. Investigate opportunities to work with other Agencies to develop Cultural Awareness Training. | Sept 21 | Talent Partner Talent |
8. Provide opportunities for RAP Working Group members, People and Culture managers and other key leadership employees to participate in formal and structured cultural learning. | June 22 | Talent Partner Talent |
Action - Demonstrate respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples by observing cultural protocols.
Deliverable | Timeline | Responsibility |
1. Increase employees’ understanding of the purpose and significance behind cultural protocols, including Acknowledgement of Country and Welcome to Country protocols. | June 21 | Senior Manager Superannuation Branch 1 |
2. Review and update APRA’s cultural protocol document, including protocols for Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Country. | Mar 21 | Senior Manager Superannuation Branch 1 |
3. Make the Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Country protocols available in each of APRA’s large meeting rooms. | Mar 22 | Principal Analyst Data Analytics and Insights |
4. Invite a local Traditional Owner or Custodian to provide a Welcome to Country or other appropriate cultural protocol at significant events each year. | Sept 22 | Melb & Ade: Senior Manager Super Branch 1 Bris: Principal Analyst Investigations Cbr: Manager Private Health Insurance Syd: Risk Specialist Remuneration & Accountability |
5. Encourage APRA executives to perform an Acknowledgement of Country or other appropriate protocols at the commencement of important meetings. | Sept 22 | Senior Manager Superannuation Branch 1 |
Action - Build respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and histories by celebrating NAIDOC Week.
Deliverable | Timeline | Responsibility |
1. RAP Working Group to participate in an external NAIDOC Week event. | July 21 July 22 | Policy Advisor Superannuation |
2. Provide support for participation in external NAIDOC events. | July 21 July 22 | Policy Advisor Superannuation |
3. Communicate flexible Working Arrangements and other P&C policies and procedures to ensure employees understand that there are no barriers to employee participation in NAIDOC Week. | Jun 21 Jun 22 | Policy Advisor Superannuation |
4. Promote and encourage participation in external NAIDOC events to all staff. | July 21 July 22 | Principal Analyst Data Analytics and Insights |
Creating opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is an important commitment for APRA as a representative of the government.
We will do this through continuing to participate in the Indigenous Australian Government Development Program, developing our capability to attract and retain Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and continuing to support and encourage the provision of goods and services to APRA by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations, individuals and groups.
Focus area: Providing opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples builds APRA’s internal capabilities, supporting the provision of an inclusive workplace that values diversity.
Action - Improve employment outcomes by increasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander recruitment, retention and professional development.
Deliverable | Timeline | Responsibility | |
1. Build understanding of current Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staffing to inform future employment and professional development opportunities. | Mar 21 | Senior External Communications Advisor | |
2. Engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff to consult on our recruitment, retention and professional development strategy. | Mar 21 | Talent Partner Talent | |
3. Develop and implement an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander recruitment, retention and professional development strategy. | Sept 21 | Talent Partner Talent | |
4. Advertise job vacancies to effectively reach Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders. | Sept 21 | Senior External Communications Advisor | |
5. Review HR and recruitment procedures and policies to remove barriers to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participation in our workplace. | Jun 21 | Talent Partner Talent | |
6. Increase the percentage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff employed in our workforce. | Sept 22 | Talent Partner Talent | |
7. Offer opportunities to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander graduates to join APRA through the APSC Graduate Indigenous Employment program. | Dec 20 | Senior External Communications Advisor |
Action - Support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander involvement in the financial sector
Deliverable | Timeline | Responsibility |
1. Identify other community connections to support the Opportunities we want to pursue, in particular organisations with a connection to the financial sector that assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education. | Sept 21 | Senior Manager Resolution |
2. Develop and implement a strategy to harness feedback and innovative ideas from all employees in relation to promoting Reconciliation and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representation within the financial sector. | Mar 21 | Senior Manager Resolution |
Action - Increase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander supplier diversity to support improved economic and social outcomes.
Deliverable | Timeline | Responsibility |
1. Review APRA’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander procurement strategy. | Mar 21 | Senior Solicitor, Policy and Advice |
2. Investigate Supply Nation membership. | July 21 | Senior Solicitor, Policy and Advice |
3. Develop and communicate opportunities for procurement of goods and services from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses to staff. | Sept 21 | Senior Solicitor, Policy and Advice |
4. Review and update procurement practices to remove barriers to procuring goods and services from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses. | Sept 21 | Senior Solicitor, Policy and Advice |
5. Develop commercial relationships with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander businesses. | July 22 | Senior Solicitor, Policy and Advice |
6. Purchase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artwork and conduct a launch ceremony of the artwork involving the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artist or person. | Dec 21 | Risk Specialist Remuneration & Accountability |
Through strong governance of the Reconciliation Action Plan, APRA will be in a better position to deliver on its commitments in the RAP and take corrective action when necessary.
Action - Establish and maintain an effective RAP Working group (RWG) to drive governance of the RAP.
Deliverable | Timeline | Responsibility |
1. Maintain Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representation on the RWG. | Mar 21 | Chair, RAP Working Group |
2. Review the Terms of Reference for the RWG. | Jun 21 | Manager Private Health Insurance |
3. Meet at least four times per year to drive and monitor RAP implementation. | Mar, Jun, Sept, Dec 21 & 22 | Chair, RAP Working Group |
Action - Provide appropriate support for effective implementation of RAP commitments.
Deliverable | Timeline | Responsibility |
1. Define resource needs for RAP implementation. | Dec 20 | Manager Private Health Insurance |
2. Engage our senior leaders and other staff in the delivery of RAP commitments. | Dec 20 | Executive Director, Cross Industry Division |
3. Define and maintain appropriate systems to track, measure and report on RAP commitments. | Dec 20 | Manager Private Health Insurance |
4. Appoint and maintain an internal RAP Champion from senior management. | Dec 20 | Chair RAP Working Group |
Action - Build accountability and transparency through reporting RAP achievements, challenges and learnings both internally and externally.
Deliverable | Timeline | Responsibility |
1. Complete and submit the annual RAP Impact Measurement Questionnaire to Reconciliation Australia. | Sept 21 Sept 22 | Manager Private Health Insurance |
2. Report RAP progress to all staff and senior leaders quarterly. | Mar, Jun, Sept, Dec 21 & 22 | Chair, RAP Working Group |
3. Publically report our RAP achievements, challenges and learnings, annually. | July 21 July 22 | Senior External Communications Advisor |
4. Investigate participating in Reconciliation Australia’s biennial Workplace RAP Barometer. | May 22 | Principal Analyst Investigations |
Action - Continue our reconciliation journey by developing our next RAP.
Deliverable | Timeline | Responsibility |
1. Register via Reconciliation Australia’s website to begin developing our next RAP. | May 22 | Manager Private Health Insurance |
Contact details
Name: Katrina Ellis
Position: Chair, RAP Working Group
Phone: 02 9210 3670