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APRA Connect Test Q&A – Superannuation and PHI Industries transcript

This is a transcript of a webinar hosted by APRA on 27 July 2021. The video and presentation can be found here.


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Good afternoon everyone and thank you for joining us for today's webinar on APRA Connect test Environment.


My name is Jane Code and I'm the readiness lead for APRA Connect and your facilitator for today.


I'm joined by three of my colleagues whose voices will be familiar to you.


Daniel Hunt is the Business Lead for this project and two of our system is experts rosemarie Mule and Building Degree will be sharing some insights and their expertise with you.


We're actually assisted by Tamara for the recording and the slides. And Emily Dubai from our Super Superannuation Data Transformation team, for any of those tricky issues on the reporting side.


And truly, who knows who might also join us today. I certainly have a busy household with two high school students, also at home learning and a husband working from home today.


We're all dialing in remotely to present this webinar. So you might hear an extra dog bark or perhaps a doorbell ring for that lockdown shopping delivery. We apologize for that, and we hope you just enjoy the, Enjoy the role with us. I'm sure everyone will have their own challenges at the moment. We do hope that you are staying well, staying safe and staying connected.


Before we get underway, a little housekeeping.


We are recording this webinar, and it will be made available after the session.


All of our guests are on mute, and we have disabled the hands up function, so that we can minimize any unexpected interruptions for the recording.


We do encourage you to use the question function throughout the webinar.


We'll endeavor to answer as many questions as we can and as time permits.


For those we don't get to, we will make sure our published materials address any of the outstanding questions. 


So let's get underway.


We're now into our seventh week of the test environment being available. And we have a good number of entities onboarded and active in the system.


But we do have some way to go.


Guys, I'm super industries, we, we're about two thirds of the way through onboarding entity, so we really like to see all entities onboard, and, importantly, using the system to practice data preparation and submission.


However, we do appreciate, this is a busy time.


It's a year and reporting for reporting and processing of the year end.


Today's session is targeted to ... Super ...


entities, as we'll be providing some hints and tips for data preparation and submissions to the new collections going live in September.


During this testing period, we've received feedback from users, and we've been responding to many inquiries and resolving issues for users. So it's timely that we say what further support might be needed to help entities in preparing for smooth transition to APRA Connect, in September, enhance today's session.


We will re recap on go live, and we split the presentation into two parts: onboarding processes, then, data preparation and submissions.


And particularly, we want to share some of the questions and how we've responded to the feedback that we've received to date.


We do want to take the opportunity to answer more of your questions, so please use the chat function.


And we'll address those later in the webinar.


I'll now hand over to Daniel who get us started with a recap on APRA Connect go, live and taste.


Just make a reminder, if anyone is not on mute, could you please mute yourself so that we can not not have interruptions in the recording? Many, thanks, Over to you, Dan.


Thanks, Jane. Hello, everyone, and thank you for joining us today for our APRA Connect Q and A session. Session today is focused on providing you with further update on getting on board APRA Connect, initially, obviously, in the test environment, and the content has been driven largely by the support tickets and the questions that we've been receiving.


Importantly, it's, it's also an opportunity for you to ask us further questions today, and we have set aside plenty of time for that later in the webinar.


Firstly, however, whilst we are seven weeks into the external testifies, a reminder that the APRA Connect production environment goes live on the 13th of September.


No external test environment to period, which we're in now, is all about getting ready for production and giving you the opportunity to practice and familiarize yourselves with the tasks and the activities that you'll be undertaking in the production, such as setting up your users and submitting data.


Within APRA Connect, you'll be responsible for maintaining your Entity information, including Contact and Responsible Persons, as well, as many God. So, it is a little bit different to how this way it works, and then we have a number of new collections coming along in APRA Connect in September. The first being the Superannuation Returns in September and a new PHR collection which is due in October. And after, that there will be many more to come. So this is all about getting ready now, fixing in a test environment undertaking activities that are possible to do in test, in preparation for the september 13th go live.


Can move on a slide, please.


Now, looking at this from an industry lens, in the after APRA connect test environments, all industries concurrently login, sorry, users from any industry concurrently, login and manage an update entity information such as corporate profile and contact details.


As I mentioned, then across an industry lense for those in superannuation, the new superannuation data transformation returns are available for those in .... The new 6 0 5 return is available. For anyone on the call it may be from the IDI or RFC industries today.


You'll also have the banking executive accountability rating information available for you as well. So they are the items that are available now in test and what you should be seeing is that this is a mirror of what will be available from September 13, Go live.


So this is a, you know, now exact replication of what we expected the new environments exciting, The key difference being that was entity information that needs to be updated and maintained in addition to the new collections that are going in in Superannuation and in Private Health.


There are no new collections going at this point in time in the idea RFC space. However, we are showing here on the screen there are a number of new collections that are coming in the near future across all industries. An important call out there is that the data that you are currently collecting, commit starts submitting through ... way. You will need to continue submitting that. Those connections through ticked away until further advisors. There's no planet this point in time to move any existing collections from D2A in APRA Connect. And I just want to stress that point because there have been a number of questions that have come through about, you know, when the existing collections coming across. Or, I mean, ADI and you know, I can't see the returns I was expecting when I log into a connected environment. So, again, just to stress that point, anything it's just that is submitted today through toy, will continue to be submitted through Detroit until after advisors otherwise.


So, let me turn our attention to the test environment, if we could just move forward, please.


The test is a permanent feature. It has been launched in advance of APRA Connect production, but it will be maintained after go live for ongoing testing, which miniaturization and also to call at it is a separate and apart from production.


There is no data that's shared between the two will synchronize between the two and activities. So, that's important to call it that, because, we're getting questions about whether or not this was no one in the same environment, whether the tough entered in external tests will then be available at production go live. And the answer to that is, no.


This is a separate standalone environment where you can familiarize yourself with, with APRA Connect. But when you log into production for the first time, the data that you enter during this testing period, it won't be won't be available to you.


But there are a number of activities that will be expecting entities to undertake during this period, and that includes accessing the environment, using the mic over the credentials, and if anyone that's not familiar with those, that's sort of new process, needs to be taken on board as a mechanism for onboarding and logging into the system.


You'll be able to familiarize yourselves with all the features and functions of APRA Connect.


When you're ready, you can try submitting data for especially for those in superannuation and ..., you can try submitting the new new returns in addition to the entity information that you can submit. Unless you do this, you'll be able to see if any changes are required to your processes, as well as upscaling and training of staff. And, you know, this is a new system. And there are some things for the different APRA Connects to teach Way might be necessary if you look at some of your processes and to see if any of those needs to need to change.


Of course, the more may also be some small technology issues on your side. We have had some entities who have had to make changes to firewall and other such technology settings to allow connectivity through to reconnect. So, again, important to get onboard early, to make sure that any local technology changes you make to make, can be made plenty of time for the go live.


Just a final call out here. We do have a further update going into the environment in the next week or so, and that's going to just address some of the issues that have arisen with, repeat user notifications and making some changes to the update helpdesk text. So, you know, we are responding and continue to address some of the items that have arisen during this testing period, and we're looking to make those changes so that they are in embedded and tested before the actual go live.


So that's about wrapping up my introduction. I'll be back later on for the Q and A, but I'm now going to hand back to Jane, who's gonna take us through some ongoing questions.


Thanks, Dan. And you might be interested in knowing who is being onboarded to APRA connect. It's really great to say. We have made significant progress.


So 71% of our Super funds and 60% of our trustees have already onboarded and are using the system.


So that's great to see. We've got to pick those, those percentages up with getting all of those ones that are nominated.


They uses onboarding to the system and using it. We do have a number who still haven't nominated their first user, and we really need to get those nominations in if you haven't already done that. And we'll talk through that onboarding process just in a minute. We're also seeing a good response for the ... industry. It was 67% of entities on boarded. So that is really, really great to know, at standing nominations, of being weighted on for that for that industry.


So that's really good, and there's a variety of activity going across the, the entities from looking at corporate profile information to the nitty gritty of data preparation and submission.


So pleasing to see progress so far.


If we can pass to the next slide, I do want to talk through just some of the questions that we've received with regarding to the processes of onboarding. These may be relevant to you. You may recognize some issues that you've had so far, or you might just be alert to them if you're not yet on boarded the things like why can't I access APRA Connect? Because I have nominated the regulatory reporting, administer it in administrator, in due to why.


Um, whether you've got a number of entities and D to live, you can only see one entity. Why is that?


You might have logged into acronyms that you can't connect, but you can't actually see anything. There's only the Home, a Home Menu icon, and nothing more.


You might be receiving e-mails from Apple connecting your personal e-mail address. And you may choose to want to change that e-mail address to a business e-mail address, and don't know how.


Perhaps you want to use the shade e-mail address for your APPRA Connect.


And whether that's relevant or not, You might be submitted forms for all of your users, but you can't see that their accounts, and you don't know how to create a new user.


They're the sorts of questions that we're getting through with regard to getting on board to APRA Connect.


And Rosemary is going to now take us through the process. And through that process, we should be able to answer all of those questions and really make it clear what the onboarding processes, so over to you, rosemarie. Thank you.


Thanks, Jane.


So the prerequisites for getting on board are setting up uses in ram so that the e-mail address that's using ram is simply as part of the relationship between that individual and an organization or the organizations ABN. So it can be different to the use.


Will be sent to that e-mail. So if it's a personal e-mail, they may not be the robustness around security, and there may be concerns about that information being passed outside, sort of that business circuit.


Some people do have shared e-mail addresses, and that is fine if they are the only ones using that e-mail address. In APRA Connect, however, as soon as someone else tries to use that same, she met ... !


You seem to be having a little rosemarie, we do have a little problem with, with sand, you're dropping out a little bit and yes, my back now, isn't that, isn't this the fun way of doing webinars remotely? Let's, let's try again. Could we start from the beginning, if you wouldn't mind Rosemarie?


Yes, Can you hear me now? Sorry?


Yes, we can. Hopefully you won't drop. I think I'm aware of when I dropped out, it does make a different noise in my headset.


So I'll start again. Just saying that the e-mail address can be different in ram because it's simply setting up the relationship between the individual and the ABN so that the e-mail address can differ between the individuals' addressed that they use for their ... ID.


Accounts themselves as an individual. At Purdue recommend, the use of a business e-mail because notifications from APRA Connect will be sent to that e-mail, and if it's a personal e-mail, there may be concerns around the robustness of the security and information going outside that business circuit. So, we are recommending, if possible, to have it be a business e-mail address setup in ram.


Some people would like to use shared e-mail addresses, because from the using data away, and for notifications from after they have a distribution out to a specific team through a shared e-mail address.


The only concern with that, is that, if, if a shared e-mail address is used by more than one individual in APRA Connect, the system won't allow it. There needs to be a uniqueness between a user and the e-mail address.


So the second, that second person, trying to use that same e-mail address, tries to onboard onto APRA Connect. They'll receive a notification to say they've got a shared e-mail. So, if you do have shared e-mail addresses, it's only going to work if there's only one individual that uses APRA Connect, who uses that e-mail address in ram.


Um, e-mails must, sorry if users must be authorized for HIV and so in ..., users are able to login via one a begin and if they sit half as administrators for multiple other entities, they can excess returns for those other entities within that same login session. So APRA Connect is different from that and each user must login per ABN. So, some of the questions we've had is, I've logged in as entity X, but I can't say entity Y So, you need to log out of the system and then re authenticate and lobbied for the next IBM to say information pertaining to that individual entity.


And another point that we're getting a lot of questions are, is around questions on, sorry, is around, the nominating the initial regulatory reporting administrator through that form in detail.


Why, I think it has been some confusion that people think nominating themselves through that form somehow provides them with the account and the access.


So that's the nomination, through that form. In day two. I simply said an app or know who the authorized paid a lot that we can assign permissions to. And once those individuals have the permissions, they can then assign permissions to other users that will get onto the system for their organization. So, it's a nomination for Mainly. It's something that upper references so that we know we're onboarding the right users.


And when it comes to production, that's going to be more important for us to know who to assign that first permission to, because we certainly don't want to grant permissions to people that shouldn't be on the system, or aren't authorized to be specific roles.


Um, the creation of a user account happens through the authentication transaction with my GABA day. So when first log of a user first goes to the URL, clicks on the ... link, and they can authenticate. That's the point where their account is created. They won't have any roles assigned, and they won't be able to actually see anything much on the screen, in terms of the menu, until they've got permissions assign. So once they have permissions.


The system then determines what's relevant to show. So that person, so there is a bit of a lag between having that user account created and having the roles assigned.


Because it's a manual process, Once the account is created, at pre gets a notification. So we're working through those to assign the permissions to the user.


If the person is not nominated, recording administrator, we don't assign the permissions, will assign it to that first user, who is the nominated, reporting administrator. So, that's just something to bear in mind. Some people might be waiting for their roles. Or they've tried to get onto the system, and I haven't yet sent us their nomination, so we don't know if there to be an authorized user or not. So, at that point, we don't assign them with the permission.


Um, and, just that last bullet point there, because we want this to be a self-service system, will assign the first permission to that initial user, and then any users that come onboard thereafter, it's up to that initial person to assign those permissions. If you, for this test, it, sorry, for the production environment, because users can assign permissions to themselves, and we do recognize that it might be the case that one person is the only authorized person would need to know what role.


What additional roles to assign, that first, regulatory reporting administrator said the form for nominations, which will appear in day to a soon, to get the nominations for production will look slightly different to the one that you're saying now.


You can just hit Tab, yep, I think I covered off that.


The nominations and creating or setting up uses in ram must happen for HIV in so that we don't have that function that we haven't due to a wage can login as an administrator, access multiple organizations through that single login. You do need to be set up for each individual entity, or each each individual fund IBM.


Um, I think I might have covered this one as well.


So, that nomination form only eutelsat, who we should assign permissions to, but it doesn't create the account.


Think of cut off everything that was noticed.


Questions there, If you want to go to the next slide, please.


Thank you. I'm just going to do a quick recap, if you haven't seen the roles and permissions.


Regulation regulatory reporting administrator is sort of the primary permission and users in Israel can assign permissions.


They can enter data submitted returns, and they will be the recipients of the notifications that are generated on system, including reminder notices, late notices, and submission receipts.


The reg reporting preparer is able to enter data into the return and I just want to flag them, that, if they upload a file, um, that doesn't trigger any validation errors, those returns will automatically be submitted. Although they won't have a validation submit button on the screen.


We have had some feedback from organizations that that it's quite a change to the process that they have set up, for review and audit, when data is being entered and submitted into, um, the system.


So, we would be keen to hear from anyone who hasn't yet spoken tapper about that. The e-mail to contact us is, and, as I said, we'd be happy to help. 


How that impacts you, because we are looking at ways that we can mitigate that disruption.


That's been, that's, that's being made. Unfortunately, we won't be making any changes to the system before September, that timeframe won't be possible, But we will certainly look to see, what will be possible, post, submit, September Go Live.


We have a service provider role.


So this could be provided to people outside of your organization, that you delegate access to entering data, and submitting data on your behalf, but it also might be useful if you wanted to provide that access to people within your team. But you didn't want them to have the ability to create, or to assign permissions to other users on the system. Users in that role also receive the notifications from system.


I'm just going to pop down to the bottom row, the Corporate Profile user, before I go to Ad Hoc, because I have another slide for Ad Hoc.


The corporate profile uses mainly or sort of corporate profile type information, which does include updating contact, persons, addresses for the organization, including registered address and things such as responsible persons. It's a separate role, because some of that information could be deemed sensitive, does include date of births. For the ideas. They submit information on accountable persons, which may include statements on the person's accountabilities, et cetera.


So you may wish to segregate access to that type of information being provided through APRA Connect, and they will, people in that row will receive submission receipts for those types of returns that are submitted. And I'll just jump back to that ad hoc returns permission.


So most of these returns, most of these roles that I've discussed included, basically, the top three, are for entering and submitting data through returns that are generated automatically on system. So they've got a scheduled due date and a scheduled reference period. There are instances where you may want to create your own returns, and it's at ad-hoc return permission is related to that. It allows you to create returns on an ad-hoc basis, and the types of returns that you may submit with that role.


When you request an extension to a due date, if you're requesting an exemption for a specific return, or specific form within a return, and it also allows you to submit file or document straight to APRA.


So, just want to check that those bullet points down the bottom. I don't need to mention, if you wouldn't mind jumping to the next screen, please.


I just wanted to talk a little bit more about the ad hoc returns, because our previous column has been focused on the scheduled returns that are generated, this is the screenshot on the left, shows, the create return screen, with the array of types of returns, that you can create.


Some of those require the corporate profile role to create, such as responsible persons, The accountability, executive accountability, regime returns. But the ad hoc return, which I've got highlighted there, I just wanted to call out the types of documents that you may wish to start submitting through this return are listed there on the right.


So things such as actuarial reports, audit reports, or those types of periodic documents that you might century, such as rich risk management statements and things like that, can be submitted now through that ad hoc return and file upload.


Sorry, ad hoc request and file, upload, return, um, and just, also, that ad hoc return permission.


Also, sorry, the ad hoc permission also allows you to submit the RSA structure, and the phase and costs return, because that's created on an ad hoc basis when you want to report edits outside of them.


The reporting period.


I think I hand over to Belinda now, who's going to talk, too.


Yep. Talk to data preparation and submission.


Thanks, or interrupt there for a moment, because we've got a couple of questions going through.


So let's pick a covered loan, the why, and I encourage you all to add a few more questions to the chat. And we'll answer those as we go through. So just one for you, Rosebery, can you have multiple rows? That is the corporate profile, use that, and they are all right as well. Could you speak to that one?


Multiple roles, yes, you certainly can. And if they just sort of layer upon each other. So if I had the regulatory reporting administrator role, and the ad hoc permission, and the corporate profile role, it would mean that I am able to submit all of those types of returns. So you can have multiple users, with the same role. And the same role can have multiple users songe against it.


Thanks, Rosemarie, I'll just take this one and another one is just come through about the go live date when APRA Connect will actually go live. To that one, it is the 13th of September is our plan go live date? Full production.


So hopefully that will give Tom for the super entities in particular to complete their reporting for September.


And PI tries to prepare vapor reporting for the October period.


A question for you, Dan.


If I'm only providing the form 700, 100 twice a year, and not filing the second page, and you just send through the act to aphra via e-mail, can I continue doing so, or do I need to do it through the portal?


Yeah, thank you, Joy and good question. So, I know there was probably there's been a few different messages around Form 701. So we have now updated the guidance that Form 701 will not be moving on to actually connect at the go live in September of this year. So, if you are currently completing Form 701, you should follow your existing processes. And I use those terms, because some, some, we do do it through .... I'm also aware that some people, if they're just doing the front page, maybe send the invite e-mail instead. So, yes, everyone is not moving to connect to this point in time, carry on submitting the 700 want accurate and same mechanism as you have been doing in the most recent past. However, we do strongly encourage entities who submit seven.


I want to the Opera to still on board to APRA Connect, because we, you know, we would ask that you are maintaining your entity information through the site as well. So, please onboard for maintaining your entity information but in terms of the 7.1 continue to submitted the way you do today.


Just a question before we move on. Fluoride is moraine terms of the terminology. Is it a culprit profile user or a corporate profile administrator? Which is which is the correct?


I think I think they're much, much the same. I'm not, I'm not sure what's in the system. If it says there, that Corporate Profile Administrator is used in the test portal. So that must be the terminology there. But I think they're just interchangeable. It's whoever has that specific permission, so that they can update the relevant information there.


Thanks. ... will now hand it over to Belinda for our next session on Data prep and submission, and please keep those questions coming.


Thanks everyone. Karen, move on to the next slide, OK. Um, many users have been asking us how they can view the data that has been uploaded, including data that auto submitted. So I just wanted to take you through this upload history function.


So the Upload History function will allow you to view either uploaded and submitted data or data still in the preparation stage.


It'll be in the same format that was uploaded.


What I mean by this is that if you is, if you've uploaded the return as an Excel file, you'll also be able to retrieve it as an Excel file. Likewise, if you were to upload an XML file, you'll be retrieving back that XML file.


So starting in the top left corner, there you were on the click the menu and selected returns and that's taken us to the view of many returns screen. So that's when you can see in the top left corner.


To view the upload history for submitted returns, you'll click the View submissions, which is has a red, sorry, an orange box around it, and following that orange arrow over to the right, that will take you to the Submission History screen.


Once you locate the return, this, in this case, a private health insurance returns been identified and it has an orange box around it.


If I click that link, I'll be taken to the View return screen.


Then you'll see the upload history icon that's highlighted.


Alternatively, if you're still preparing the return, so it's on Submitted, And if we go back up to the top left corner, we can say a purple box around a return.


If I click that, I'll be taken to the View Return, and I'll also have access to the Upload History icon.


So, on the next screen, you know, I demons of demonstrated how to show a list of the uploaded files, depending on whether the data was submitted or still being prepared. I also want to show you what happens.


We've had questions from entities about how reviewers, including auditors, can view the submissions in APRA Connect. So, a slightly different scenario.


I just wanted to take you through here for returns that have been submitted.


And in this case, we've got a return that's had three revisions.


You can or you can also click on that revision number.


And on the top right part of the screen, you'll see then that all three of those revisions would be listed.


Similar to the previous screen, clicking on one of those revisions will take you down to step three, onto the review return screen and you can click the upload history.


So there's a few different ways and methods depending on the reason you want to look at this upload history, but they all take you to that final step for screen and you would just click on that file. In this case it's an XML file and that would download that files. It's been uploaded.


Well, I also wanted to cover in, you know, another another feature to support orders and reviewers is the hash. So there's a column with an orange box around code hash and for that first row, I've clicked show and you can see at the bottom of the screen this very long what's called a hash ID.


The hash for each uploaded file can be used to verify that the data has not been modified, tampered with, or corrupted.


They have, no matter how many times the hashing algorithm is executed.


When the files uploaded, the hash will remain the same, as long as the data is the same.


And to display, as I said, I click the show button, and the hash will appear. So this value can also be used for audit purposes.


If I move on to the next screen, just talking a bit about re submission.


If you need to re submit your data before the due date or up to 15 days after the issue date, your request to resubmit would automatically be approved by APRA connect requests this risk resubmit outside. This timeframe will need to be approved by our problem.


So you might be asking, well, how do I request the re submission?


In the picture, you can say, the Actions column has been highlighted with an orange box, and the icon I'm pointing to is the re submit icon.


So this is, and this is on the Submission History screen. So you would have on your return screen would have clicked through submissions, and then you'd have this access to these actions column.


For the Superannuation Entities out there, There are three superannuation returns that are managed slightly differently.


The RSA structure, phase and costs, and the insurance table in the insurance arrangements return, all have an ad hoc requirement in the reporting standards.


So when information changes, the reporting standard says you must provide this information within 28 calendar days, and you need to use to create return function that's covered in the applicant user guide.


So I strongly recommend to refer to that information.


So we'll move on to taxonomy artefacts.


Belinda actually texts artefacts. Can I hack back to some of the information you were just sharing? Being able to find the information that you've uploaded. The question here is, will be able to see what was uploaded now with the row exceeds 200 rows?


So, you'll pay up for you, Glen. Thanks for that question. So you will be able to say it by clicking the upload history.


You won't see it rendered on the screen in APRA Connect. So you'll be able to retrieve the information you've uploaded. And yes, if there was 2000 rows, you'll say, or 2000 of those rows, that if you, you won't be able to say it by clicking the full insight on in APRA Connect itself. That makes sense rendered on the screen.


Thanks, Valinda, no further questions on that one.




OK, so, yeah, taxonomy artefacts. So if you've not attended one of these before, I'll just give you a quick recap.


So the taxonomy artefacts have been zipped through each industry.


We suggest that you check the latest published date, because we may have updated the artefacts to address issues or if we needed to amend the return.


The there's explanatory notes for each of the different types of artefacts, and I'll just touch on a couple of the key, the key ones. The Data Dictionary contains all the elements and their properties used in all of our collections in APRA Connect. So, at the moment that would include both super superannuation and ....


The data dictionary is excel based and it includes very detailed properties of data types and enumerations.


This information can be used by entities when setting up their own systems and processes for defining the data.


The validation file contains all the rules, Again, it's for both industries, we have a different worksheet for six, and a different one for pack dry.


They, we have enhanced those validation rules recently to include a simple, plain English business description of the validation rule.


To support the validation rules, We've also published a rule, rule expression, Expression Function Guide, which will provide, really, detail explanations of the functions used in all of our validations. So, we really suggest you use those two together.


Then, other reporting taxonomies. And I know you guys have been using them. I'll talk about that shortly.


So, the reporting taxonomies contain all the elements and their properties relevant to the specific collection. Again, it's an excel based workbook.


A few of the worksheets that I'll call out are the Elements worksheet, which contains only the elements and their properties for that particular collection.


The data type Worksheet contains the properties of the data types, which includes enumerations.


Yeah, so, and all the properties. So for example, we use positive integer.


and we describe that as having a minimum value of zero, and it must be a whole number. So I really encourage you to have a look at these properties, because it will help you when you're uploading your returns, whether they're Excel or XML, to make sure that they know, not breaking the validation rules.


And then, one of the other worksheets, it's probably really helpful is the enumerations worksheet.


So, that contains all the properties of the drop-down lists.


For the collection, along with the allowed values, the allowed values will be all of the allowed values across all the collections.


Um, so, I also wanted to ensure that or reinforce a message that we've been trying to share, that the drop-down values are case sensitive.


So, that would be another validation that occurs when you're uploading files must match the caisse listed in the reporting taxonomy.


Then, specific specifically, for those of you who are using XML, You have the access de files.


They exist a, the purpose of the access they follow is to validate the XML file that you're uploading tap or connect.


Contains a good and a version number for the techies out there.


So both of those are needed in the header of any XML file that you upload, to APRA Connect.


I might pause it. Just double-check. There's been no questions on that side of things.


We're good to continue on.


Alright, so I might share some hints and tips.


These are coming from questions that we're receiving through the APRA Connect e-mail address. And I find it quite exciting to see that people are uploading data into APRA Connect.


So one of the things I have noticed with data uploaded from Excel is that some of the files contain extra worksheets that just aren't needed.


So people are taking the reporting taxonomy spreadsheets that we provide.


And they're also, they're leaving those in the falls that they're upload, uploading. Now, APRA Connect will ignore those worksheets.


It's not going to cause any errors, but the actual worksheets will impact the time it takes to upload the file from your network to connect. So, a little tip there, you only need the Entity Details and form layout worksheets.


So, you can see in this picture, I've put Big Red Cross on the rules and emotions and Elements worksheet, so you can get rid of those and make your files a bit smaller.


Another tip, because it might help you prepare your data.


Can it's on the second row of the form layouts?


And this example tip can be used both for Excel and for XML uploads.


You'll see on that row two, each element is described, So you'll see, you know, whether it's a metric or a dimension of highlighted column D, so that's a dimension or an enumeration.


The dimensions will in will either list the relevant members.


So in this case, we've listed a number of options. Are members of that an emotion, or it will say all members in which case, all of them are of valid values.


The last two pieces of that, that row two that I'm highlighting, where it says mandatory is true, and primary key is true. There are another important piece of information.


So we've had questions from users where the ... equals true. Can I leave that column blank? And unfortunately, it's a resounding no.


APRA Connect will not allow blanks to be uploaded and submitted for mandatory columns.


And this is a key feature of APRA Connect that ensures that we get good quality data from the beginning, We don't, you know, the old adage, garbage in, garbage out, so hopefully that helps to keep you familiar becoming familiarized with these artefacts that we provide.


I'll move onto some general APRA connect hints and tips.


So, again, as entities are starting to complete the returns.


We've asked, if there's no data to be reported in a particular table. What do we do? Can it be left blank?


And yes, it definitely can be left blank, but we need to confirm that by editing the table and then clicking the validate and Save button.


When you do that, you'll return the icon next to that particular table will go from a red asterisks indicating no data to a green tick indicating that it's being validated.


Again, there's a reference to our User Guide if you need any help with that.


Another question we've received is, Can I upload, you know, the whole return or a form at a time? Yes. You can do both.


If you.


In this, in this example, if you're uploading one form or another time, you would click, Oh, Sorry, students. So we started that one again, that second, second. Sure.


Definitely load on return in or worksheets in that one workbook, or you can do it formed by form, The key call our does 1 or 2. To make, if you are loading one table at a time, you'll be prompted to answer whether you want to delete the previously uploaded data.


In this example, but you know, loading one form at a time, you'll click No and then the information would be appended and you just repeat that process for each form that you want to upload separately.


OK, then the next, the next worksheets, just some key call outs, a bit of a summary, actually, of some of the things you've heard today.


So, like a lot of applications that we use, especially web based tools, if you're manually entering data into the return, you should save regularly.


You have the option of save as a draft, or validating the site.


Completed status, I know this is confused, a few people. When you've uploaded your, you're been entering data in your return, it might say that it's complete.


This does not mean that the return is submitted the return.


It's actually validated in stages, and the final stage is part of the submission process.


When you click battle, validate, and Submit, the final stage ensures that all the business roles passed. So, hot tip: if you say some returns in your, your list, and they've got a complete status, make sure you click validate and Submit to check, trigger those final validation checks.


And also, another, no hot tip. Once it is submitted, it will not no longer appear in your list of returns to be completed.


The order I submit, we've obviously been receiving a lot of feedback about this. This feature, rosemary's, mentioned that if you can pass on your feedback, we we would really value that information.


But just, know, the reason APRA Connect, um, includes this feature is, it's been built to support machine to machine processing, but it does also mean that any upload that passes, all the validation rules will automatically submit.


Um, errors in your files that you are uploading, we, we do recommend that you address those in your source systems rather than manually resolving them directly in uppercase.


This will ensure that your future submissions won't repeat the same issues.


Uh, so I've covered this one already. When you're uploading your data via Excel, you only need to include the entity details and form layout worksheets. All the other worksheets from the reporting taxonomies spreadsheet aren't needed.


When logging into APRA Connect, you need to login for the entity. You are submitting data on behalf of not the trustee or the administrator.


And finally, a key takeaway for the superannuation industry, the RSA structure return needs to be submitted before, although returns with the exception of the expenses, the RSA Structure sets up, or defines the business operations. And those other returns rely on the information being there, and their validation rules to ensure that, so get your RSA structure submitted, and then move on to the eyes of the return.


Thanks, Belinda. That's a great tour through a whole lot of top hints and tricks and tips from the experts.


And hopefully that will make life a little easier as you navigate through and prepay data and submit data in APRA Connect Test.


We don't have any additional questions. So I'm just going to do a final call out. If you have a question, please pop it in the chat.


I'll move to the next couple of slides, and then I'll come back just to see if we have any further questions before we close out for today.


I do want to just make a couple of points on APRA Connect go live, because it is not very far away.


We've got about six weeks till we get to the 13th of September, and then we'll all be racing to get ourselves onboard. So the test environment and the APRA Connect environment are separate environments. Dan mentioned this early on. There's no integration or track data transfer between the environments. And, therefore, your U S entities will need to onboard users in the production environment, just as you've done so far through the our test environment.


You will need to nominate the initial IRRI for Go Live because we do appreciate that they may be different uses in the test environment versus the production environment, and there's also the need to understand which permissions you would like as an entity to us to assign to your initial regulatory reporting in administrator. So we'll get that ... format very shortly with some more information on that as well.


And any updates that you've done to corporate information will not be transferred into the production environment. So of course, you're going to have to do those updates in the production environment as well on the 13th.


We've got some information and support on this page.


Belinda's called out a few sections in the APRA Connect Guide, is really useful. In fact, we've used it quite regularly to respond to many of the questions. So there is information there at hand to you, have had a copy on your desk while you're while you're working through it, because it should answer many of your questions, and it will be much quicker response to your issues. We do do a webinar previously. So, before we went live with the test environment, it includes a demonstration of many of the things that Linda spoke to today, so please go back and have a look over that webinar. And we'll be posting some Q and Ice on the site as well. The taxonomy artifacts are there, the explanatory nights are available. And the expression function guys There as well, and if there are any updates to those, we will endeavor to make sure that you know that the updates are available for you to download. And of course, the wave information does have quite a lot of information in there.


There's technical information on the authentication, with my job ID, the Roles, information for reg takes, the information Security, etcetera. So, there's plenty there as well, please, make sure you browse it and see what's, what's available to answer many of your questions. Of course, at the end of the day, we're here to help support, at ..., which you will be familiar with, if you've used each, why the technical support. Is there, the team fabric connector here, to help in terms of getting you on board and up and running in the system and for the superior industry, anything on the new reporting standards.


We also have our STT team on hand to address any of your EC issues or questions, so please reach out. No question is to mine it for us to, to make your life a little bit easier.


I'll just go and have a quick look over the questions.




So, a couple of questions that have come in.


Can you nominate only one? Sorry. Can you only nominate one initial array in live, or can we assign or nominate more?


I'll answer this one. We only want one initial IRRI, so we want to be able to assign the role to one person within an entity, and then it's self-service. You are able to then assign other users roles from that point forward.


So it's up to the entity to then manage the rest of the users on ....


Will the e-mails go to the APRA Connect contact all the test RI?


That's a question, I think, the Rosemarie Yes. I've just responded to that one. Sorry, Maria, but I responded directly to you. So, people who are set up as the RI in the test environment will receive notifications triggered from the test environment, such as late-night not bite notices.


But, receive notification.


If they, if it's a user, or a corporate profile administrator, submitting a corporate profile return, that user in the test environment will receive the notification. And in production, whoever is set up in those roles in the production environment, will get e-mails triggered from the production environment. So it does depend who set up in which environment, and what, what transactions occur, but they are relevant to each environment. I hope that answers the question.


Thank you, and thank you everyone. That brings us to a close. We have no more, no further questions coming through. Hopefully we have answered many of your questions that perhaps you didn't even know you had yet. We really appreciate your time being on this webinar this afternoon. I'd like to thank you for joining us for your questions, and thank our team for providing you with some extra hints and tips, and I bid you good afternoon and goodbye for today.