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APRA Connect Test Q&A – General Overview For All Industries transcript


Thanks to everyone online. We'll be starting the Webinar in two minutes.


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Well, good afternoon everyone, and thank you for joining us for today's webinar on APRA Connect Test Environment.


My name is Jane Coad readiness lead for APRA Connect and your facilitator for today.


I'm joined by three of my colleagues whose voices will be familiar to you.


Daniel Hunt, the business lead for this project. We are also joined by two of our system experts, Rosemarie Nyal and Belinda Green and we are ably assisted by Tamara for the recording and the slides, and truly who knows who else will join us on this webinar. I certainly have a busy household today. I've got to high school students, also at home learning. And we're all dialling in remotely to present this webinar.


So you may hear an extra dog bark or a doorbell ring for that lockdown shopping that I've done. And perhaps the drop out or to when the network has a little bit of a hiccup and I'm sure you'll be patient with us. I'm sure everyone will have their own challenges at the moment. We are particularly mindful of the workloads that many entities are managing at this time of year and the fatigue that might be sitting in with the uncertainty that we're all facing with the continuing covert situation.


We do hope that you are staying well, staying safe, and staying connected.


Before we get underway, a little housekeeping.


We are recording this Webinar, and it will be made available after the session.


All of our guests are on mute, and we have disabled the hands up functions, so that we can minimize any unexpected interruptions for the recording.


We do encourage you to use the question function throughout the Webinar, and we will endeavor to answer as many of those questions as we can as time permits.


And for those who don't get to, we'll use or published materials addressing if there's an outstanding question.


So let's get underway.


We are now into our seventh week of the test environment being available. And we have a good number of entities onboarded and active in the system.


We do have some way to go, however, on onboarding entities. So, we'd really like to see all entities onboard and, importantly, using the system to practice data preparation and submission, and getting familiar with the functionality.


We did run a session on Tuesday as well, with some hints and tips for data preparation and submission for new collections going live in September. The webinar recording is available for use of you if you are interested in that area.


During this testing period, we've received a lot of feedback from users. And we've been responding to many inquiries and resolving issues for users.


It's so it's timely that we say what further support might be needed to help entities in preparing for a smooth transition to African eight, in September, Enhance, today's session.


We will recap on Go Live, and we are splitting the presentation into two sessions, some about the onboarding process, and some more about finding your data and data preparation and submission.


We particularly want to share and respond to some of the feedback and questions that we've received to date.


We do want to take the opportunity to answer more of your questions, so please use the chat function.


We'll address those later in the webinar. Right now I'll hand over to Daniel who will get us started with a recap on APRA Connect, Go live and test.


Hi everyone, and thanks for joining us today for our APRA Connect Q&A session.


Now our session today is focused on providing you with further updates on getting on board for APRA connect, initially in the test environment. And the content representing today has been largely driven by this four tickets and questions that we've been receiving today.


Importantly this is an opportunity for you to ask us questions, and we have set aside plenty of time for that during the webinar on as Jay mentioned, please put those questions in as we go.


First thing, however, whilst we are seven weeks into the external test phase, a reminder the APRA connect production environment will go live on the 13th of September, which is a date it's getting ever closer.


This period, we're in now, the external test, period, is all about giving you the opportunity to practice on the system, familiarize yourselves with the tasks, and the activities you need to do in production, such as setting up your users and submitting data.


But then after APRA Connect, you will be responsible for maintaining your entities own information, including your contact and responsible persons as well, of course, as submitting data.


And we have a number of new collections coming into the system the first of which will be those who superannuation industry. Before in September, followed shortly after. Buy a new one for private health in October. And of course, there will be more collections in coming years.


You know, what does this mean at an industry level view?


In Africa neck test, all industries, all of you from all the industries you're from can use the Entity Information and Entity Information functionality.


To practice entering in the corporate profile and other pieces as as as I mentioned those of you in superannuation will see that you have newer terms available to you for testing as well those of you in private hill.


For audio isn't RCs there are no new returns at this stage but the those of you from the industry will be able to practice the vat returns.


This functionality that's available today in external test is a mirror of what will occur in production in September.


You can see, we've even highlighted oaring, all entities being responsible for, including and updating their corporate information, does include those of you who may not have any new returns getting onto the onto the system in September.


Into the future, more collections will move into APRA Connect, including returned 7 0 1, which was recently signaled, will not now move into a picnic in January 22 that will also all occur on the appropriate consultation. So until then until you've been advised otherwise. But Appro for the data you report through ..., please keep reporting that data through Gateway into the future.


Turning our attention to the test environment.


This isn't available as a permanent feature.


There's a separate environment from production, no data is shared, or synchronized between the two.


We just mean that some of the activities you are undertaking now in test will need to be completed, again, at the point of Go Live, into the production environment.


There are a number of activities that you'll be able to undertake during this test period, which includes: accessing the environments using the ... credentials.


You can familiarize yourself with the features and functions of African X and the menus, and you can try submitting data and see if any changes are required to your processes, as well as upskilling and training new staff.


Of course, being a new system, there are some things to operate differently in APRA Connect, to take away.


And, of course, it might also be necessary for you to make some technology adjustments. We have had a number of entities who needed to make firewall or whitelisting changes if you have to access the system.


Just finally, here to note that, as we get closer towards the production go live, further updates that are going to be made to the external test environment to ensure that the two completely aligned from a functionality point of view, at Go Live.




So that's a wrap up of my session, I will be back later to help out will be Q and A's, and I'm now going to hand back to Jane, who's going to take us through some questions arriving from onboard.


Thanks, Jane.


Thanks, Danielle. And it's not each distinct to you to see where we're up to in our onboarding, and we have had a really good response, and we really do appreciate everyone getting on board and setting up their users in the system.


Broadly across the industries, It's great to see. It's a bit of a horse race that we're beating on here to see which industry is going to get all of their art, all the entities on boarded that at the moment. We've got some great interest in yet, from the ..., a rat. Nearly 80% of those are already on board. It. They followed fairly closely by the PI Choice.


We've got good onboarding day, and the Super and Trustees are getting on board, which is really good because they needing to prepare the data and submitting in September, October period. We'd like to say a little bit more coming in from the RFC which is a little bit of a lie, right? So we'll be following up with many of you. If you haven't already nominated your users and got on board the system, we do encourage you to do that. It will make life a little easier for you as we go live, because you'll be familiar with the processes, and be able to sort out any issues that you might have before that go live date on the 13th of September.


It's also interesting to note that across the board we've seen a good uptick particularly this week in the types of functionality that is being used and the various returns that thing up prepaid and submitted through the system. And we'd like to see more and more of that going through. We do appreciate that he's busy time of year.


But the more that you can and your teams can do some work in this unit test environment, will set you up really nicely going forward. Go to the next slide. I just wanted to talk through a few of the questions that have been coming through. They may not be, you may recognize a few of them. Or there might be things that, that have cropped up or you might be alert to them as you go forward, but they things like in during onboarding. You might have nominated your regulatory reporting administrator through the ... for more through data analytics mailbox. That's great.


I bet you're wondering why you can't access at ..., you might have nominated for a number of entities, and due to, I bet you're only accessing one of them, and you come quite work out, how you do the other entities, as well.


You might have logged into Africa next, but you can't see anything in the Home menu, and you're wondering why you single have been stopped there for getting any functionality.


Perhaps you are receiving your e-mails in your personal e-mail address, and you want to be able to change that e-mail address to a business e-mail address, or even use a shared e-mail address, and whether that is relevant to applicants.


You might even if submitted Forms for all of your users in your teams, but wondering why they don't have an account, and how you might be able to create creation account for a new user. So, that's the sorts of questions that we've been providing some feedback for, and helping Entities through.


Rosemarie is going to take us through the end to end process of onboarding, so you get a really clear picture, and we'll answer all of those questions in the next little slide.


Thanks, Rosemarie Thanks, Jane, and fingers crossed, my network doesn't let me down over the next 10 or so minutes. So, I just wanted to cover off the process for onboarding users, and I'll go through it in sequence. So, users will have a mike up ID, which may or may not use their individual e-mail, personal e-mail. And then they need to be set up in ram, which establishes the relationship between themselves and the authorization they have to act on behalf of that entity. And at that point, that can be a business e-mail, and we're recommending that business e-mails are used for that relationship.


Establishment setup in ram.


The reason we're recommending business e-mails and some of you may have been contacted if you've got a Hotmail e-mail or something similar.


Whatever e-mail setup in ram for you is what is used when your user account is created in APRA Connect. So because there are notifications that issued from APRA reconnect and some of that might have sensitive information. I think our preference would be that a business e-mail is used so that there's more robust sort of security measures in place around the e-mails and the inbox is that it goes to. Each user must be authorized for each ABN so it's quite different today to weigh in that a user may be able to log in as an administrator and have access to a number of funds within that one login.


Because of my gov ID and because of that need to have an established relationship for each entity and for each ABN, you must be authorized for HIV, and that does include being authorized independently for each fund under a trustee.


And one thing that has caused a lot of questions is we have some form of ... through which you can nominate the initial regulatory reporting administrator. The reason we're asking for that is because we need to assign that first permission to the user on the system. Once that user's been assigned to permission, they can then on board.


Or other other users can onboard and that Reg reporting administrator can assign them with their roles. So we do want to have a self-service model for entities will onboard that first user.


And then they can help other users. By assigning them with permissions but nominating someone within that data I form doesn't create the account or sit in anything up.


It's simply a reference for Opera to look at so that when a user has their account created, we can reference what was submitted in that data wave form and understand whether we're going to assign that person with permissions or not.


When a user logs in, for the first time in APRA Connect, about click on the mark of our day link. And it's at that point, when they authenticate that the user account is created.


So when the route, when they then have been authenticated in the menu, they won't even be any options available to them, because at that time, they haven't been assigned any permissions. And there is a delay in Opera assigning those first permissions to users. It's a manual process, and we need to reference back to that Nominated are a form and ...


to see if that person authorized or not, so that there will be a time lag. Likewise, when if you are the rig reporting administrator and someone else at your organization logs in. And has an account created, you'll receive an e-mail to say that they are now set up, and that they needed permission assigned. So, it is a manual step, and there will be that delay. Once people have been assigned, then they'll be able to stay various menu items depending on what permissions have been granted in the system.


And just, I just wanted to make a comment, which will address one of the questions, which has already come in. So, the assigning of permissions and the creation of accounts happens all over again, introduction. When a user interacts with my app ID, it sends a token through to our system to create that account, The tokens are separate and different between our external test environment and our production environment. Also, the other important factor there is, you may have people testing the test system, but they may not be appropriate uses to have access to production data. So, the process will be redone all over again for production. So that the correct production uses a setup.


In recognition that they may or may not vary from what's in test, we can't simply copy that data over and put it into production.


Tomorrow, I think if you want to tab to the next thing, I just to re-iterate, the point I made, that you must log in separately for each ABN. It is different today to I So if you're logging in and submitting data to 1 for 1 specific fund, you'd need to log out again.


When you re authenticate, you'd be able to select the next fund, or the next ABN through my gov I date through ram and then you'll be able to access the next entity for that organization.


And last couple of points there, which I've possibly already described, nominating a user.


Nominate that, that nomination form in database, only to instruct ... who is appropriate to be assigned. That first permission to say, doesn't create the account.


And because our IRAs can't assign permissions to themselves after we'll create those permissions for them.


An era, right, can't create user accounts, so they need to wait for other uses at their organization to authenticate, through applicant, through marga de and ram, have their account created. And then, they'll receive an e-mail requesting that they assign a permission to that person.


Thanks, Tamara.


Before going to Yes or Rosary, I've got a couple of questions pertaining to this one. So I'm hoping that that slide I'm one of the questions from diabetes. So only uses listed on the existing RR ry form will be made active in ... production.


So that's who Appro will facilitate providing the permission to. But once that RI has their own permissions, anyone else at their organization, who it's appropriate for them, to also be a reg reporting administrator, they can assign those permissions to that user.


So, Will, initially, she will. Sorry, I can't get my words right today. We'll assign that first role that we then hope that entities will take charge of assigning permissions going forward for other uses it get on the system.


I'll just add to that one for you, David. Because the production environment is different to the test environment. We will be seeking entities to nominate arise for the production environment and the particular permissions. A new form will be available soon to do that for the production environment.


Another question on this one is how do you change the e-mail address and ram from the first personal to the business e-mail?


I might just take that one and let you know salmon that there is information and we can provide you links to it. If you, if you are unable to located on the ram website on managing. The user accounts and changing e-mail addresses. Eats a new feature that has been brought in by IT TO most recently that you can change that That e-mail address quite quite easily and ran.


I'll just ask another couple here that are coming in around onboarding once I've been able to login as an IRA. Can I delete the app per administrator on APRA Connect account?


You can, if you are the Aurora, you can delete the administrator, but obviously you'd need to have an existing .... If you deleted everyone then you're not going to have anyone at your organization who can assign permissions. So that could be problematic. The regulatory reporting administrator role is also the role that receives notifications, and they are the ones who can submit, in the return, submit the return data.


So you do need to have a reg reporting administrator at a minimum for your organization.


Another question with regard to instructions, is this in the guide? I can certainly say that instructions on your onboarding process is certainly in the guide. Just today, we're adding to some of the support material on our website. Some FAQs that speak to some of these questions, as well and provide answers. And if that still troubling you, there's also links to ram. And my God, I'd say, on the website as well that you can access for further information falling or that, please use out an e-mail box to ask us any questions.


Another questions, Wednesday, Production, IRRI role to be set Up.


And, again, the Production, once the production environment, is live on the 13th of September, you will be able to set up your users at that point in time. You won't be able to do it earlier that it is important for you to nominate the arise through the ... form. That it will be available very shortly in preparation for that step.


OK, on might, Let us go on, and we'll have a look at the questions coming in, and come back to a few more of them as we move through.


Thanks, Jane. I'm just going to run through the roles and permissions, for anyone who's not familiar with them.


And as I've cited earlier for this, we have facilitated a number of roles in the system in the hope that it helps support your systems and processes in getting the data in and submitting the data. We have had some feedback from our test phase in a pilot phase. So there will be some future modifications will look to make for some of those roles that running through from top left to bottom right. The Reg Reporting Administrator is that primary administrator, who can assign and manage users on the system. They can enter data and submit returned and they receive all the notifications for the ...


reporting Britain's generated in APRA connect.


We have a preparer role said, The preparer can enter data on screen. They don't have a validate and submit that don't have access to the validate and submit button. But if they upload a file that does not trigger any validation warnings, that file will automatically pass through. So we have heard that that's problematic for some people and their review process. So, we are looking at ways that we can address that into the future. Unfortunately, it will be after the September go live, but we'll be in touch about that.


We recognize that a number of people outsource the uploading of information into their returns to service providers, so it facilitated a service provider role that allows users to enter and enter data, submit those returns, but they cannot assign permissions to anyone else at their organization.


They will also receive the reminder notices, late notices, et cetera, if you have one of those roles assigned on the permission assigned on system, and it doesn't need to be limited to assigning service providers with that role. You may have people at your organization that you want to be able to submit data, but you simply don't want them to have access to assign or edit permissions to people, so that's an appropriate role you could use for them.


There is another couple of roles, which I have, some slides following this, to explain a little further, but there's an ad hoc returns permission.


So, for all the returns that are created in the system, that are automatically generated by upfront, they have scheduled, reporting period ends, and scheduled due dates. The first three rows can enter and submit data into data for those returns. The ad hoc return permission allows users to create returns on an ad hoc basis. So, every time they have information that needs to be updated, such as the RSA structure, or if they want to request an extension to the due date, an exemption for a return, or submit various documents to Opera, that ad hoc return permission allows those users to create and submit those types of returns. And there's a Corporate Profile Administrator role, which allows people to manage the corporate type information for their organization.


So, that's all information such as addresses, e-mail addresses for people, contact details, responsible persons, and accountable persons, if they are applicable to your industry, and corporate profile, users receive receipts, if they submit any of those types of returns.


Just, now, I'm just gonna address the bullet points down the bottom to saying, just reiterating that in the test environment, we're assigning all uses all the initial arar aids, with an ad hoc and corporate profile permissions.


We have not migrated any of the sensitive type data, such as responsible persons, or accountable person, into that test environment, but, for production, that will only assign an initial reporting administrator with those additional permissions, if they are requested, because it may not be appropriate for that reporting administrator to view corporate profile information, for example.


Thanks. Tamara?


Thanks for me. I'm just gonna hold you there again, because we do have a few more clarifying questions around onboarding and roles. Kenna kinda user have multiple roles. Yes, I can, as, as Rosemary's demonstrated here, there's no limit to the number of users that you can have, the number of roles that you want to assign to them.


There is no limit to the number of IRRI or backup RI raised that you you want to have its whatever suits your business needs.


Annual, as long as your, you know, governing them them well and manage them. Well, there is no actual physical, functional limitation to this. So hopefully that answered quite a number of the questions. With regard to those roles and setting up, I do want to call out one question that has come with regard to my gov ID.


And it says it's a point that few people have had trouble with your, My gov. ID, is your, I'm personal identifier.


It uses a personal e-mail address that. That is for you and you, Eileen.


It is quite different from ram, which is the authorization manager that recognizes who you are authorized to act on behalf of. So, please don't go changing your my gov. ID or changing your e-mail for your My Gov ID, ... ram that you need to change an e-mail address if you wish to change it from my personal e-mail Address.


two A.


Business e-mail address. You may have many authorizations in ram. But you only have one my gov ID that's relevant to you.


I think we might just keep going, and I'll pick up on some other questions as we go through. There is a number of questions on Responsible Persons, But I think we will cover some of that material, So, I'll come back to those questions a little bit later.


Great. Thanks, Jane.


So this screen is dedicated to that ad hoc return. Anything that's highlighted in that, sort of orangey colored box is available to users if they have the ad hoc written permission. And these are the returns that they can create. So, I've highlighted the Create Return button at the top left-hand side of the screen.


If you don't have that create return function, it indicates you have, you don't have that ad hoc return permission, or you don't have a corporate pro profile permission. So, it means you can't create a return to submit. These types of returns shouldn't be submitted. It's, it's not like your financial data. So if there's a change you need to make, for any of that information, you'd create a new version of the phone and update the existing information in that return to submit it through the returns.


Don't have due dates, But we expect that these returns are submitted as an update occur. So if you're RSA structure changes, that needs to be submitted prior to any of the other related returns, that hinge off the data.


Um, there might be returns present, which aren't applicable to your industry.


Obviously, if you are not an idea and you don't submit accountability, regime information or fees, and costs and insurance arrangements aren't clickable to you, then you don't need to submit information in those types of returns. And I also mentioned in the Ad Hoc Return itself, which is the first one I've highlighted in that form search box there, You can attach documents to be submitted through to APRA, so I've listed the types of documents there on the bottom right quadrant of the screen. Those are the types of documents which you may currently be e-mailing or sending through secure Docs. So, from September, you'll be able to submit those through APRA connect your responsible supervisor, and analysts will receive a notification when you have submitted it, and they'll be able to access the information from there.


Thanks, Tamara.


Corporate profile returns, that permission, or that Corporate profile administrator role, allows you to create any of these specific returns, which are highlighted in red, Much like the ad hoc, written on the previous screen. They shouldn't be re submitted, but you create a new return at each point in time, and submit it, or new information in those returns, The return name, we don't have any defined naming convention for you.


So what if, whatever you deem appropriate for your organization, it might be it's something like Responsible Persons, August 2021, and then the next time, you need to update that, it could be January, responsible Persons, January, 2022, for example. So there's nothing that we've defined for you. It is simply for you to come up with something that's going to be meaningful for your organization. The effective date for these returns is generally the date that you're submitting the return. There was a comment, or a question that was posed just before, but it then sort of appeases period, and on a different screen. So, because these aren't returns with due dates, it's sort of a pseudo period and but it's not really relevant.


It's just whatever date is the effective date for which you're submitting that data.


And once again, there's no, there's no filter on. They said there might be returns available which are applicable to your industry. And in that case, you simply don't need to submit those returns.


There are any questions that have popped up relevant to that, Jane, or?


Yeah, there is a few moments around returns and responsible person. So I might cover those and we might have to take a few of these offline, but we'll see how we got when creating. I'll try my best to it, Sorry.


When creating a code, which then, it asks us to into an effective date field, however, when the return is created, these fields shows up as a return in date, could you please provide some guidance on what is the purpose of this field, and what we should enter?


So it's the effective, effective date field.


Sure. If we've lost Rosemarie, all the thinking is, is on the back, but I didn't get to hear the question, I'm sorry. When, when creating a corporate return, it asks us to enter the effective date.


However, when the return is created, this field shows up as a return in dates.


Could you please provide some guidance on what the purpose of this field is, and what we should enter, And I think the effective date field, what is the purpose of that one, is what the question is asking?


It seems we've lost rosemarie, so we may continue on.


I am back, Jane, apologies, but what I'll do is, um, respond to what other questions I can, and make them publicly available for everyone, to say what the responses are, so I won't hold up any more time getting you to repeat.


Great. Thank you, Rose Marie, all the fun and games, all being remote working, so we might move on, and there is a few there, particularly that we might give some individual responses to. Thank you. And when I think we're over to Belinda.


Thanks, Jane!


And if we move on to the next slide, I'm just going to premise everything I'm about to say with something sort of addresses one of the questions that has come through the chat.


So at the moment in APRA Connect, when we go live in September, the only regulatory returns, data, financial data returned or we're expecting to be submitted for the superannuation industry and private health. So our ideas and our GIS can expect future collections to be in APRA connect. So no data, Y collections won't be moving over. .... oh, sorry, for the insurance industry, that's a double ASP.


17 changes, That's one of the collections, Form 701, for ... and our assays. That will be the credit quality and operational risk and far as well as Form 701. So everything I'm showing you today will is based on the superannuation PH I Collections. So let me just start with that.


The exception to that, for everybody, the, the ad hoc returns that Rosemary has just covered. So Rosemarie just covered a range of different returns, like they are all information that you're going to advise us. It could be that your balance date, changing, or you need to change some contact information. That's all done through the create return. So let me just take you through the process.


If you have submitted one of those returns, in this example, in the top left corner, an accountability map, is one of the returns. It's been submitted, that, that is, has been created but not yet submitted. So that's why that returns visible in the manage return screen.


If I click the view submission button that's has the orange square around it, you move on to the submission history page, and yes, this is filtered by the year of the, the submitted period, or the, sorry, I should say, the end date. So no, that can't show all the different returns. Because over, over time, this list could get quite long once you are submitting your financial data, also through APRA Connect.


So, in this case, the entity has submitted an ad hoc request and file upload form. They've, they've chosen to call it the ad hoc request return. There's a reference after it. You might use that reference when you're talking to Opera about your return. So, back to Rosaries point, it's not as important what Joel you name, it will also say that name, but we'll both also say that reference, And you can, that second column there, You'll be able to use that when you, you contact our Pro, if you have any questions. So, clicking on that link to the Ad hoc request, will take me to the next screen below. This is where you can actually review that return, the ad hoc request return that you've created.


And at the bottom, in the bottom right corner, you'll see, I'm pointing at the View link.


Clicking that View link will then also take you over to, to, we'll open up the Ad Hoc request.


And in here, I can re, I guess, I could re download the file that I've uploaded, So in this case, the entities uploaded a file called Entities all and then a date, you can view that file by clicking that link.


So this is something that we've had a couple of questions from our users that have been using external test about viewing information that they've submitted to us.


So just go into your Returns screen and if we've allocated any returns to you because you're expected to submit some returns, I'll be shown there.


Otherwise, you can click the Create Return to create some of those ad hoc returns. or you click click the View submissions button to say previously submitted returns.


And don't forget to look at our APRA Connect guide, and this is all covered by Section 7.2.


OK, tomorrow, I'll move on to the next slide.


OK, so the taxonomy artifacts, and again, I just want to re-iterate that the taxonomy artifacts that we've published to date adjust for the superannuation super data transformation collection, and the private health insurance collection because going forward from September, when we go live, they're the only two industries that hubs, uh, financial data to report to via APRA connect 


So, these taxonomy artifacts are going to help you prepare your returns. So, we just thought you, even though we have other industries on the line, that you might be interested to take a look at.


The artifact falls that we've prepared for, Super and PHR, and they might inform your preparation for using APRA Connect once your industry start to use APRA Connect. So, there's a zip file per industry.


And just a reminder for those super and PH, I industries always check that last published date because we may have put out a newer version of the taxonomy artifacts.


So, on our taxonomy artifact page, on our ... website, there are explanatory notes for each of the different types of artifacts that are available.


So, just broadly speaking, we have a data dictionary that contains all of the elements, regardless of which industry.


So, at the moment that would contain Super PHR down the track as we add our other industries, that data dictionary will keep expanding.


We have a validation file and it's very similar to the one that we already published, the data Way, in that each industry has its own tab with the validation rules.


We then have a reporting taxonomy file per collection And what I mean by collection in this case, if I take the superannuation industry as an example, we're collecting expenses, return. We're also collecting insurance arrangements. They are two different collections.


They have a different reporting taxonomy H Then, for each of those reporting taxonomies, we also provide an access de file that support entities who want to use XML as an upload.


Then, to support the validation rules, we also provide an expression function, God.


And this provides a lot of detail about all of the functions that we're using in APRA connect.


Unlike and do two-way, where we just gave you a basic rule, in APRA Connect, we have the ability now to provide the formula. And entities may be able to start applying these validation rules in their own systems to ensure that the data that they're extracting from their systems are meeting our validation rules.


If I can move on to the next slide.


So, for the data dictionary, I'll just cover some of the main points, features of the data dictionary. It's an excel based document, so really easy to use. It contains an elements tab, which contains every single individual element and their properties.


So, And a data element in this case, might be, H, And then, age might be used across many taxonomies.


The data types, So, for instance, if we continue the age example, we're going to apply some sort of number data type to that, that element. So, we're also going to provide detailed properties on the data type.


Then Enumerations or in layman's terms, a drop-down. It's, it is a type of data type. But there's a separate enumerations tab that's going to provide all the members of the enumeration.


So, you and, you know, in a drop-down, we might have a drop-down called geography, then there'll be lots of members in, you know, for geography, Australia, New Zealand, et cetera. Those properties will also be described there, and a key point for those a numeration, they are case sensitive.


So, if we move on to the next tab, if we take the So in If, if we've got our age in the data dictionary, we might then include that age in some reporting taxonomies. But not all, so the reporting taxonomy is specific to the collection.


So if age is not appropriate in the expenses collection, you're not going to see that element there. But you may say it in the private health insurance collection, for instance.


So there are some really similar tabs in between the reporting taxonomy and the data dictionary because it's a lot of the same information. Again, you can see that it's excel based.


So, in this case, when we're defining a data type, another key point I'll I'll call out, is if, for instance, it's a positive integer. one of the properties might say that the minimum number is zero, and this will ensure that we don't get any negative numbers.


If it's a die a date, it will also describe exactly the format of the date. And APRA Connect will enforce all of these properties that I'm describing when you validate. So it's a really key. These reporting taxonomy documents are really key to setting yourself up, to upload your files and enter your data into APRA Connect successfully.


In the reporting taxonomy, as, as well as the elements, data types and enumerations that I've sort of covered off already in the data dictionary, you'll see that we also can have a rules that worksheet.


So, you, this rules for worksheet is specific to that particular reporting taxonomy. So, if you just want to see the validation rules specific to expenses, for instance, you can open up the reporting taxonomy for that the collection, and only those rules will be shown on this particular sheet.


So, if we move on to the next, so, just continuing on with the reporting taxonomy.


The key informational want you to take away from this slide. The last two points. So, in the reporting taxonomy will provide an entity details worksheet and then we'll also can provide form layouts sets the last row on this worksheet. So, for the Health insurance, PHR returns those worksheets to be prefixed with HR ref.


And then, the form Code lock was for super, they'll start with SRF, so when other industries come on board, you'll you'll see your IRS g.r.f., l.r.s.. These two, the entity details and your form layouts are the templates that you should use if you're going to upload your data to APRA connect via Excel. APRA Connect will accept Excel uploads. And you, if you use these two worksheets, you'll have the correct layout and I'll give you a sneak preview in a minute on one of the other slides of what that might look like.


So the worksheet name must match what's provided in the reporting taxonomy. Otherwise when you upload to APRA Connect, it will ignore those worksheets.


The first row of data that APRA Connect will read from will also be described. And again, I'll show you that in a second.


So I think we'll move on to the next slide.


So here's an example of the those two types of worksheets that you should include if you're going to upload your data to APRA connect via Excel.


So the back lift is an example of the entity details worksheet.


We read only the AB we read and validate only the ABN and the reporting index.


The top, the front, a picture that you see there, This is an example of the SRF seven oh, five point oh, form for the Super data Transformation. So when you uploading this particular worksheet, must have that name. As you say, Day. You can say, Row five is the starting row.


We also have provided, and you can see the little red comments, the information about what needs to be provided. So you can say for column F, or column six, It's called the Performance Component Activity Type.


It's a metric, so the metric name is there, the allowed values.


So it's a drop-down, essentially, and therefore, allowed values for that particular metric.


So there's lots of information contained within these files. And as other industries come on board, we'll obviously start to share more and more information with you. But, we just wanted to give you a little taste of what to expect and encourage you to use the artifacts that we've already provided to Sucre and PHR to start getting familiar with our system.


Let's move on to the next slide.


We're ready for questions, questions, which I have.


And I'll just make Make an extra note. They are the overview that the leaders provide for the taxonomy artifacts. Those in the PH on Super space, who might want to go a little bit deeper under the cover of things in ....


Please make sure you checking for the, the webinar that we ran on Tuesday, which has a little bit more detail.


This one provides and that's available through the exact same registration link. So I'm gonna ask if you, I'm gonna probably jump around a little bit, because we've got a variety of different questions coming through. When will forms Lodgment under GPS 1 10, etcetera, move to ... X once again?


Yes, thank you. Don't have to tell you. Well, know, and I think there's a number of questions in this sort of vein, I've noticed in the coming through as well.


I think the key thing just to re-iterate is I connect who's going live with the two new Collections in Superannuation Private Health.


Everything else is to continue to be reported so everything you report today through G toy, please continue reporting that through Detroit until you're advised to stop doing that.


Opera has a pipeline on the roadmap of Collections that are up and coming and replace existing ones or, you know, people, some of them moved across the little take place through our normal consultation process, so we can't give you a date today for when any specific existing collection will be. It will move across that connect. It will occur over the coming years through the standard consultation process and also you'll be getting plenty of notice in that regard when whether its collections will move across Africa Connect. So a key takeaway is two connections first, Superannuation and Private Health Connect, everything else you're reporting today in any sort of data space, please keep doing that through Detroit.


Extend, This one's probably for the Linda, just a query about some of the functionality that's available in ..., and whether that's available in Africa Connect. So the question is, Is the feature available in ... Connect to download the full list that we do in ... currently?


Not for the upload, it would be something that you would be able to do from for an API.


But, no, it's not something that's then deemed necessary for the uploads.


Explained one, full rosemarie should the information in the test site, they correct, the nice thing that the company dresses incorrect at the moment.


So, we've migrated what information we had on our current database.


If it's not correct in tests, I would suggest waiting to correct it in production. However, you might want to update it in test just as a sort of trial for submitting or figuring out how to make that update in the test environment, but it won't, the data won't be copied anywhere.


So if you update something in test, it's just going to stay in the test environment. So don't put too much effort into correcting things. They do it in production.


Thanks, Rosemary. And one for the Linda.


I think one of the slides you were referring to earlier about viewing data submissions and you referred to the reference is the reference auto generators.


Yes, yes, it is.


That was an easy one. Is there an appropriate? I'm not going to go to that one, because I think we've just answered that in terms of timeframe for other collections. Thanks to Dan. So is there a format change for returns that we're currently following in Africa Connect? Or is it only a change change from D two, Y? two extra? I think that the question is really saying is, are we moving shifting, due to a return to African? ... different?


It's going to depend on the collection itself. As Dan sort of alluded to, we'll go through a consultation phase.


The, you know, we don't know what the new double ASB The collection is going to necessarily look like before the.


So it's, it's very much a case by case basis and it will depend on the collection itself.


Linda, while you're talking, we've got a few things around, I think taxonomy type things and validation rules.


So, when the data type for the upload doesn't correspond with what appro has specifies can you please confirm that the Return will not be submitted?


Definitely, definitely won't. So, African it is. Is, is really good enforcing these sorts of data integrity? So in some cases, the fall won't even upload if, if it's not meeting the right standards.


So definitely, that's why we're really in for encouraging you to look at these reporting taxonomy falls to fully understand the data types.


Thanks, Melinda. And the Excel worksheets, are they available as downloads?


Yeah, so just go and access those through the reporting taxonomy spreadsheet itself. It's all, they all go hand in hand. We, reminding users to, that only need when they're uploading.


The return to Africa Connect, if they had, when they have extracted that information out of the reporting taxonomy. They're the only worksheets they do need to upload to Africa Connect.


It's not going to cause Africa connect an issue, because, as I said, Appro Connect will only upload. The worksheets with the right names will ignore all the others. But it does make your fall a bit bigger than if you're bringing those other sheets along for the upload. Appro Connect will ignore them.


So just grab those templates, as you, as you call them, from the reporting taxonomy.


Another couple for you, Linda, just in terms of error messages, does all prefix or rewrite this question? In terms of the era, do you get notified that the there is an error and doesn't give you some detailed information about what that is?


Yeah, with that, we've actually got a lot of great features in Upper Connect. You know, I've seen some of the errors will be specific to what a cell number in the Excel file, let say. five is there's a problem. So it may reference or a particular reference in the Excel file. If it's an XML file, it could reference a law number. If it's a business rule there. We have dynamic text.


So it will give you the exact combination of drop-downs so that you can pinpoint So. Yeah. There's It's very detailed the error messages. The other thing we've recently done in the validation file, we've enhanced the, the explanations. We've included a business description because the error text is dynamic. Because I just mentioned, you know, we We tell you exactly which combination of drop-downs part of the problem.


It makes that expression quiet, the dynamic nature of that may make it difficult to read.


So we've included this business description, or a simple description to help you. So again, I'd encourage you to have a look at the validation file, and just start to become familiar with the sorts of expressions that we use.


Thanks very much, Belinda. Now there is some questions that we haven't gotten around to, and we'll certainly make sure that if anything isn't available in that publish material, that we will get back to you on an individual basis, if need be.


I'd like to go to the next slide, if we can, because we'll start to wrap up the session. Just a few call outs for Go live. So, as we've mentioned, ..., Taste and the African meat production environment are separate environments. There is no integration, or data transfer between the environments, and so entities will need to onboard users in the production environment from the 13th of September Go Live.


You will need to nominate your initial RI for Go Live and also advise us of any additional permissions. And we'll provide some more information over the next week or so, to get you going on that. Energy to a form will be available soon.


Any updates that you've done with your corporate information, of course, will need to be added to in the production environment. So, this is only a test environment. It will be available for you, going forward as a permanent feature in any new collections that go live in. App Connect will be available in the test environment, as well.


As we go forward, just in terms of information and support, and we've mentioned a number of things.


There's some reference material here, There is, at the African Act guide, which gives to all the functionality of App for Connect. A lot of the things that we've talked about, we've done some references to the guys, but it does give you some information screenshots and instructions on how to use the system. We have a weapon webinar that we ran just before external test went live. That is available on our website. It gives the demonstration lock, demonstration from Belinda Worth going and taking back and having a look at that these webinars will be available to you. We're doing some FAQs published today and will continue just to keep providing support material as new things come available to us. The taxonomy artifacts are there for you. Either if you're using them for data preparation for life submissions, or you just want to get familiar with what to expect for. Other industries, please have a look at that this explanatory notes.


It's the Expression Functions Guide available to you.


There's lots of information on the website itself, including things like the User Roles, Information for Reg takes, all the support material, technical specifications that are there, as well, and I think we've had a question.


The up that I've referred to, the tech speak, so you'll be able to find information there.


And if at the end of the day, you need some help, we are there for you.


Technical issues You can use our support app for our facility and give us a call. If it's an urgent issue.


You can e-mail us at at today for any questions around APRA Connect. 


For those in that industry, if you have questions on the reporting standards, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We thank you for the time that you spent this afternoon and all your valuable questions. And indeed, some of the comments that we've had come through, please continue to share those with us. It'll make the information that we provide and the support we provide more targeted or more beneficial to you. I also thank our team today, and I, and I wish you all a very enjoyable afternoon.


Thank you and goodbye.