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APRA Connect Taxonomy Artefacts – An Overview transcript

This transcript is from a webinar hosted by APRA on Thursday 1 April 2021. The complete video is available here.



Hello everyone, and thanks for lucky on for today's webinar on the APRA Connect Taxonomy Artefacts. Just waiting for a few more people to log on, and we'll get started in another two minutes. Thanks very much.


Good morning, everyone. Thanks for logging on to today's webinar on the APRA Connect Taxonomy Artefacts. My name is Ben McLean. I'm a Senior External Communications Advisor, and I'll be today's webinar moderator, and I'm also assisted by Jane Code is the readiness lead for APRA Connect. The purpose of this webinar is to provide an overview of the draft taxonomy artefacts that APRA published to assist entities in preparing the data submission through APRA Connect. We've got about 120 people registered for today's webinar, so clearly, there is some strong interest in this topic, and we hope you found this session useful and informative.


To help us today, we have two presenters from an APRA Connect Team, and they are business lead, Daniel Hunt, and also, product owner. 


Today's presentation will commence with an APRA Connect Implementation Update, followed by some working group feedback.


We'll then examined the draft taxonomy artefacts before answering your questions and then, wrapping up.


Before we get underway, though, a little bit of housekeeping, all microphones are automatically muted, and they need to remain that way, other than for the presenters. Also, the raise hand function is turned off.


To ask a question, please click on the Ask a Question function that you can see towards the bottom of the webinar control panel on your screen. You don't need to wait until a time when we pause to ask questions. If you think of something, as we're talking, you can send it in, and when we pause, we will try to get to. That will be pausing multiple times through the presentation.


Let's take questions. So, with that, we're ready to get started. So I'll pass over now to Daniel to lead us off.


Thanks very much, and Good morning, everyone, and thank you for joining us today. Now, my role here today is really just to do a small bit of context and seen touching. And then I'm going to pass over to Belinda is going to take us through the bulk of the presentation, getting into details around the text on the artefacts.


So what you can now see on the screen is, it's the implementation timeline for APRA Connect.


We are hurtling very fast, very quickly, towards the September, go live for next, six months from now, So having commenced the project at the end of last year, you will recall we had to put the project on pause for a year due to COVID-19


Just recently, we released the Final Reporting Standards or the Super Data Transformation returns, and we followed them up very shortly after that with the draft Taxonomy artefacts.


And that's what we'll be talking about in detail now.


That will move us forward towards the pilot release of the platform in April, for a very small number of entities are going to help us with. Just confirming, we're ready to go as we move towards the June timeline for the Opening of External Tests for All Entities. And that's the period will move. We open the doors, and we expect all entities to start using the system, to familiarize yourselves with functionality and practice, submitting the data metadata that will be ready and required to be submitted in that September timeframe.


This is just a recap of the timeline. This is nothing new and what we're presenting here. Just a reminder that the key events coming for coming up, the June test period for all entities, followed by the September go live.


So, tonight, we're discussing the draft taxonomy artefacts. Now, with the new artefacts for APRA Connect, you are going to see a departure from how we previously released items under the… world. You currently report that it through.


And we've been on a journey with APRA Connect, and we've been working with our regular forums to getting feedback on the new style of artefacts that we're going to be using.


And we sort of take them through the new format.


And the, uh, and the approach for releasing that is, one of the overall, overarching pieces of feedback we received, was, it's very important that we get these artefacts into your hands as soon as possible.


So that is why we released these last week as Draft. They are not yet fully aligned to the final reporting standards. And it is important that you note that as we go through the presentation today. However, the overwhelming feedback we receive through our, through our forums was it is important to get these artefacts out and into the hands of those that need them to build the returns, you know, as soon as possible and that where they are at an 80% compliance to the final versions. And that would be satisfactory. So just wanted to really call out at this point that these, these artefacts will be going through a roundabout that 80% towards the final point.


And they will be, you know, there will be further releases of the artefacts over the coming weeks as we get closer towards the go live.


So, that was very much like, say, the feedback we received, and feedback we've acted on.


I’m going to hand over to Belinda who will kindly us through the artefacts themselves.


Thanks, Belinda!


Thanks, Dan, and good morning, everyone.


It's great to see so many people here for this high level overview of the draft artefacts that we've just published for the Super Data Transformation Collection in APRA Connect.


So, I'll get Charles' to move on to the next slide.


So today, I'm going to give you a snapshot of each of these artefacts.


So we have the data dictionary, the validation rules, the reporting taxonomy, and the access days. So let's delve into the data dictionary on the next slide.


With, on the next slide, things.




Sorry. Thank you. So I'm going to just talk about a few of the key components of the data dictionary. So with the schema, it describes the name of the data dictionary, And I should say, the data dictionary is Excel based.


We also list out all the elements applicable in APRA Connect and their properties, so I might just pause there, because a lot of people often ask, what is a data dictionary, And the data dictionary is just like a normal dictionary in, that every word is listed in, defined, and in the data dictionary For us, that's elements, the words of the elements. So if you read A dictionary from A to Z, you'll learn a lot, but it might not tell you a story. So in after connect terms, the story is actually, our reporting taxonomies, which you'll see in a little while. So this Data Dictionary underpins all of our collections in APRA connect.


So, with the elements, you also then get, the data types would help define, you know, the length of a number of failed, or a text field. It would also lists enumerations and enumerations, like drop-down lists, or often, the core dimensions. So freaky, probably the most common ones that come to mind. A geography and maybe frequency that you've also have expense taught.


And you'll see an example of that shortly in the slides that I've got coming up. So, if we could move to the next slide.


Here's just a quick screenshot of our data dictionary. And this is just the Draft one that we've already talked about so you can say Here already we have a column that lists the name or the element and then we just start start to describe Is that element an integer? Or is it text? It might be something more specific like an ABN. And then even it could be an enumeration like the age based discount amount.


So each one of those elements would have a description.


And there's lots of other properties that you'll see if you've been accessing that file.


So if we move on to the next slide, I'm actually going to continue this example throughout all of the slides.


It comes from our components of net return collection, And on this screen, you can see, I've filtered on the element that has a type of component activity. But you can see that there's actually two different rows. So, the two instances, because there could be two different contexts or definitions, and if I, if I go back to that analogy of the dictionary, just like some words can have two meanings, like the word live and live, so, can some of our elements.


So, in this case, we, the component activity can have two different definitions and where you'll sit start to say that, refined and more specific is when we actually get into the reporting taxonomies.


Then, just in the second part of though that picture of actually shown for that enumeration or dimension, all the different members that are possible.


So, you can see there's five possible members, full component activity, But, when we get into the reporting taxonomy, we might say is a slight difference, because it needs to, the components of net return adds another element, or another context to that, it might be a slightly shorter list.


So, if we just move on to the next slide, widget, I'm just going to quickly touch on validation rules.


Again, in my, in this example, I've actually filtered on to just the validations rules applicable to that components of net return.


But all of the rules applicable in APRA connect would be completely contained in this spreadsheet.


You'll have the rules, the expressions, and rule constraints, written in APRA Connect syntax. And that APRA Connect syntax is loosely based on Excel formula syntax.


These, this, these rule expressions, we think that you should be able to use them in your own systems because of that, the nature of the syntax that they've been written in. And you could be applying those rules to your data before you even start to upload that information into APRA Connect. And already have a fairly high quality of data before you start entering information into APRA Connect.


So I'll pause there and just give you the opportunity, if you haven't already, to ask some questions on either the data dictionary.


All the validations.


Hi The blender. It's been thanks very much for that, so we have not to date had anyone send in a question. This is your opportunity.


There will be other opportunities later on. If there's anything you'd like to ask, please send in a question. Now for our team to answer. Otherwise we'll move on. In the meantime, Belinda, one question is RP enumeration members case sensitive.


Yeah. That's a great question then. Yes, they are. So as soon as they are defined in either the data dictionary or in the reporting standard, in, the entities will need to match that. Exactly. So where there's upper or lower case, we're looking for exactly that. Similarly, if we had a yes, no question, we're expecting yes or no, that will be defined, We wouldn't accept Y or N, which you may have seen previously in some of our collection.


So that's the importance of looking at these artefacts in that that that that that upper and lower case will be enforced as Will they actual value?


Terrific. In the meantime, the floodgates have opened. And we've had a few questions.




So, let me just give first it, first question is simply, where is the validation saved?


In, so, we've, I'm not exactly sure what this means, but we, so, we have an Excel spreadsheet, The, that would list all of the validation rules and what happens is, as the user is using APRA Connect, they will be prompted with the rules so that within the, for connect system themselves, you won't be able to access them from APRA Connect per say, other than using the spreadsheet that we've provided. So, for instance, if you were to upload an XML file or an Excel file that contained an era as you upload it, you would probably you'd get an error at that point. Likewise, if you had been filling out some information, and you try to enter, say, some text in the into a number field, APRA Connect would automatically prompt to right there.


So, they're not there within our APRA Connect system. They're not saved in a way that you can access it, access them other than through the Excel file.


OK, next question, Will APRA Connect have the same validation rules types, and examples errors and warnings?


Yes, yes, we definitely have errors and warnings or errors, other mandatory errors, that must be resolved before you can submit to APRA. And then the warnings you can, you would be you're required to provide a response before you could submit there.


Are also the so, I guess structural errors that, you know, if you did put a lower case yes, into a a, a question that's expecting capital Y, lowercase S You would instantly get an error. Likewise, you know, if you put text into a number field, so there, they would just come up immediately as errors.


How do we know which elements are used on which form from the data dictionary?


So, that's, that's a fantastic question.


You'll see that shortly in the reporting taxonomies, so the, those reporting taxonomies are all specific to each collection, like the components of net return or expenses.


So, each reporting taxonomies specific, it links directly to a reporting standard essentially, OK, we'll appro or when we'll add per release XBRL taxonomy.


So, the XBRL taxonomies are very much dependent on the particular collection. So at the moment, in the super data transformation space, none of the none of the collections are ... in an ... format.


An APRA will be making an assessment, as I develop each new collection for each new each industry. Whether it's appropriate or not to use expert role. So some collections would lend themselves very much to XBRL, but maybe other collections, not so much.


OK, thanks Belinda. Just to confirm, ..., sorry, super data transformation. There are no XBRL collections.


OK, Will validation rule error messages be returned in normal business language?


Yes, so one of you may have just caught a glimpse of the message that was coming up on the validations sheet. And if Charles won't see, he can even go back to it.


You might say, you might notice some syntax written in that column A If you, if you've got it open, I haven't got a wide enough that, you can say that, but what will It will appear on your screen as plain English or without that syntax it, But what that syntax gives up or the ability to do is give very specific information.


So we might be able to say to you, A particular row has an issue and we'll give you a row number or we might give you the specific enumeration member that you've selected. That's an issue. So, the error message, when you read it within our ..., will be in plain English, It won't contain that syntax.


Wonderful. Thank you very much for that, Belinda.


Uh, so, we've got a range of other questions as well, some very technical ones. We want to be able to get to all of them today, but we will try and get to as many as we can. Still, quite a long way to go other, more detailed descriptions of the functions used in construction, in constructing the validation rules.


I think that you would define by, it's a way, we're referencing the element that is in the reporting taxonomy. So you would then, you'd use the, the two in conjunction.


So, there were, there was a reference to the performance component activity, So, you would then reference that same element in the reporting taxonomy, OK? And that would mean all the details.


Somebody else asks, is APRA to publish the super data transformation artefacts from the P H E website in the future?


Hmm, pardon me, the APRA Connect website.


Sorry, I just took an opportunity to have a sip of water and it's gone down the wrong way.


The APRA Connect website, or Plain English Taxonomy, is focused on the day to weigh collections.




so know these artefacts weren't appear on that plain English taxonomy, because it is focused on day two, IE, collections, that we are looking at how we will publish all of the artefacts relating to APRA Connect in a symbol law.


Why, OK, thanks, Belinda, now, we're going to move on. Now, There will be more opportunities to ask questions. So, back to you, Belinda.


Fantastic. So, move on to the next slide. So, the reporting taxonomy has a lot of information.


I'm going to focus on, the, the key worksheets that I think, have the most important and helpful information. So, again, the reporting taxonomy is excel based, There's a lot of information that we have to impart to you. So Excel at the moment, seems to be the best way to, to share that with you.


So on the Schema, tab, you'll have the Collection name, There's a range of schema properties, and in I'm going to show you shortly, but the whole restrictions is an embedded spreadsheet, and that will display for each table in the collection, the specifically allowed values for that collection. And I'll show you that in a minute, and all make a lot more sense. The elements tabs, it's very similar to the elements tabs that you saw in the data dictionary, Except in this case, these, the Elements and the properties are specific now to this reporting taxonomy.


So, we'll see, will say that in, in a, in a minute. In more detail. And then the other information, I wanted to highlight and call out the last two dot points.


So we have the Excel template, essentially, for the entity Details tab, and that is something, the information that you would upload, that would specify if you were using Excel to upload your data into APRA Connect.


It would list the entity Entities name, the ABN of the entity, and the reporting period, and we will be validating against that ABN and reporting period.


So, you know, this, this is the way you make sure that you're uploading the right information for the right entity, and then there'll be a tab for each of the specific tables or forms in the collection. So, that's why I have a fairly generic label there.


So, the worksheet You, for the entities that are uploading bahr Excel, you can use these worksheets as a template.


The worksheet name and the first row of data coming from this template. And, again, I'll show you that now, a little bit more detail when I get to that next, that slide in the example.


So, Charles, if we can go to the next slide.


So, this is just a screenshot of the whole restrictions worksheet. Again, I'm using that components of, Net return form that I talked about earlier, and if you remember, when we looked at this, this, an enumeration back in the data dictionary. We had five different members, but in this case, when when this enumeration or dimension is used in this particular collection.


There's only four members that are applicable. So this is that difference. This is the context that the reporting taxonomy is giving over, the data dictionary, which is generic reporting taxonomies now, specific to this particular reporting standard in the collection.


So, you would be able to select to enter any of those four dimensions into the members, into that particular drop-down within App for Connect, or furia using XML. one of those four values could be, could be specified in your XML file.


Um, so, the other place that you will see this information is in the Excel template, and you'll see that shortly.


So, there's a little comments function, and you'd be able to hover your mouse over the, the column called Performance Component Activity, and you'll get the, the same four dimensions listed. So, that's a nice bonus, that you've got two locations, that you can find this information.


So, I'll move on to the next slide. So, here is the elements tab. And this is, as I said, too, it's very similar to the elements tab that was in the data dictionary.


That because we're in the reporting taxonomy, there's some additional sort of properties that are specific to this, this collection. So again, I've highlighted the component activity enumeration.


You can see, if I look at column C, for table, Sir SRF 7 0 5, underscore 0 table 1.


These are all the columns essentially from row five onwards that would appear in the table if you're looking at either for connect or if you're looking at the Excel template. So these are all the columns where we expect you to put some sort of response, whether it be typed or selected from a drop-down.


So, if there were numerous tables within this collection, there would be a different section on this Elements tab for each one of those tables, and it will call out specifically which elements you'd need to fill out.


So one of the other things you can see in column D is we've defined some of those fields as being text fields, and there's a limit of 20 characters. So again, if you did type something that was longer than 20 characters, this is where you would instantly get an error message, say, from APRA Connect saying, you know, This field is expecting only 20 characters. That's the patients. Don't quote me on that Exact, That's not going to be the exact text.


The description of the in Element is also there provided in column A.


And you can see, I've selected that for the Component Activity, so that you can see the definition that's provided there in the formula bar. So, if you notice, there, we actually do have five listed members.


So this is, this is the, I guess, the general description of the, the, they did, the dimension.


The specific members that are available to you, as I said earlier were either on the hulls in the wholes restriction. Fall that's embedded on the Schema tab.


Or when we get into the Excel template, you'll also see that it's under the Comment. What other specific allowed values?


So I'll show you that in a little bit more detail in a minute.


And then finally, the other fields or properties I wanted to just call out quickly the mandatory and primary key. Failed, so property, so when a, if a field has to be filled out, we will mark it as mandatory in this in the reporting taxonomy. It would also be if you were viewing that forming appro connected or would also be denoted with an asterix. You will also be, you'll also see that we have primary T. So if a certain combination of fields must form a unique combination, that's how that will be defined in the primary key.


So we might say that the first five rows, all primary keys. So you would not be able to repeat those same five answers in another row.


That would create N, two rows that were essentially not unique.


And so you would have to resolve that by changing one of those fields to a different response. So you should be looking at this primary key column. and the Mandatory column, when you're filling out these, the phones that don't worry too much, because the afro connect will also give you a an error. If you do provide two rows that are the same, and again, this is way, those validation rules will include a row number.


So they're dynamic in the respect that they will tell you, that a particular row is not unique.


So that makes it easier when you're trying to resolve those errors.


I'll get to move on to the next slide.


Thank you. So this is an example of the Excel templates that are provided within the reporting taxonomy. So it contains the layout of it. So you've got the entity details, preview just at the back top lift. As I said it's a fairly simple form, would just grab your entity name, the ABN and the reporting, and date. The name of the, the worksheet is important. So we're expecting when you're uploading via our APRA Connect.


And you're uploading in via Excel that that worksheets going to be called entity details, no space, noting the capitalization.


Similarly, for each table or form within the collection, you can see that front, bottom right picture. We have a sample of, say, the template.


So, again, the worksheet name, that's what APRA Connect will be expecting.


when you upload data into APRA Connect.


You can say the first row, that's not a heading, is row five. That's where we're also expecting your data to start.


So this template is providing you that information. And then I hover my mouse over the comment for the performance component activity. You can say that highlighted in purple, and you can see in that comment that has come up, the four allowed values that are accepted.


So, although while it was listed as part of the definition of that dimension, in this instance, it's not one of the allowed values.


So you can either use this comments field, or, as I said earlier, you can use that holes restriction spreadsheet to define what are the allowed values.


So I think the next slide is a pause for questions, so, Ben, I'm not sure if we've had another floodgate of lot of questions.


Melinda, yes, we're being inundated, It's just like, exactly. So, when will have to provide the dictionary of the functions used in the validation rules with descriptions, and details of the underlying logic, including the parameters and arguments?


I believe that's already been provided in the validation rules spreadsheet.


So, um, if, if you haven't already had a chance to have a look at that, have a look. The, all the information you need is in there. But, as I said earlier, you will have to read that in conjunction with the, either the data dictionary, all the reporting taxonomy, where each of those elements are defined.


So, we've seen that already with that component activity type, there's, the specifics to each of those elements are defined in those, in either the reporting taxonomy, or if you want, you could go back to the data dictionary, OK, how are the elements version controlled in the data dictionary?


Yes. That's a great question. one of the properties is ..., there's a status failed on the elements tab, and you'll, you'll see at the moment that they're rolling draw.


When, when they've, when we've finalized the, all our artefacts that I'll move to, I don't have the exact feel that we're using, that they'll move from draft into a final state. Likewise, if in the future we're consulting on a collection, there might be some elements that we've added that are being draft.


So you'll be able to use that status, fail to determine that information, thanks Splenda, how is the reporting consolidation level captured?


So that's a fantastic question. I'm not sure if that's a question from persons. It's from the superannuation industry or from another industry, but for superannuation we are, no, we don't have a need for that any longer in superannuation.


So, we aren't perpetuating that in other industries, like for instance the ADI or so the banking industry, We do still have a need for that And that would be an element that would be specified that you won't see that just yet because it's not applicable to superannuation, OK. Would primary key areas have detailed error descriptions as well as, as well coming on APRA Connect?


Yeah, yes, yeah.


The, the, the rules acquired dynamic, and that's the beauty of, of our APRA Connect syntax that we can provide, that more detailed information. Not just that you've got to duplicate rows somewhere, and that, you've gotta go find that. So Yes.


OK, what is regarded as the source? Truth? People have been asking that since the dawn of time Belinda: There are values defined in the ... Standard.


And the scheme being described is the standard doc the source of truth for any inconsistencies?


Yes, the reporting standards are always our source of truth.


And, you know, we've met while we were, we've put these artefacts through lots of review.


If there isn't a discrepancy in our, we welcome you to let us know that. But, yes, the reporting standards are the source of truth, and we would have to amend the artefacts if there was a discrepancy.


OK, the Excel template for the returns, Do you download from APRA Connect to the app or website?


You can. You can get those from the website and the APRA Connect. You'd be able to download the access day, which will say shortly, but the Excel template, you'll get that from the app or website.


Thanks, Belinda. Somebody else has asked, Will this presentation be available for download? The answer to that question is that a recording of this presentation will be, or link to a recording. This presentation will be sent to everyone who has registered for the webinar.


So anyone who logged in, but even if you registered and weren't able to attend, they will also receive a link that I can re watch the presentation. Another question, Where do we find the definition of the group of fields that define a primary key?


The reporting taxonomy, so you'll, for each collection, you'll go into that reporting taxonomy spreadsheet and refer to the elements tab.


And each element for each table has a column that says whether that the item is a primary key or not.


Alright, last question in this section, can we still upload XML files based on with attribute codes?


So, we don't use attribute codes in APRA Connect, but you can certainly upload XML files.


Terrific. Alright, Belinda, let's move on. Now, we know that there are a lot of questions. We haven't able to get to all of them, them. But, there is a limit, I'm sure, to how long we want this Alter ego, and there will be opportunities for people to send in questions later to, as if they haven't had them answered. So, let's move on back to Belinda.


Thank you, and that was the last question was a great segue into the, the, these are the artefacts that relate to XML uploads. So, an excess day is essentially an XML schema. So, what you have, you can see on your screen right now, is the, the actual access, the file for the components of.


Net return example that I've been using the hallway through entities would use this excess day file if you're going to upload the data to Apple Connect via XML.


You would also use this excess day file to validate the XML to make sure there's the right structure.


Including the enumerations of, I've already sort of touched on the fact that, you know, we, the upper case and lower case will be enforced.


So that's my third dot point, that the enumerations are case sensitive, and they must match the other important pieces of information within the exist: A, the version number, and good.


So, see, I've highlighted those in purple.


I've, I've also, um, condensed the access day fall. So though I could show you the version number and good, which actually appear right towards the bottom of the ....


And just for the techies out there or maybe my movie, the less techies out there, the good is a globally unique identifier.


So this, that number uniquely identifies this reporting taxonomy. So it's specific to this particular collection. If I'd open up the expenses access day, for example, that would be a completely different good.


Again, the version number is also specific to the axis day file. So, you know, in a few years' time, that version number may have increased to two, for example. The, that good will not change.


If you're using, either, if you've taken the opportunity to use our external test environment, or if you're just using this exist a file in the production environment, the do, it will always be the same.


It will also be the same, regardless of what version we're up to.


So if I get Charles' to move on to the next slide. What I've done here is, I've created a sample XML file from that ... file.


You can see at the top, I've highlighted that the, The Version number, and the good have been placed in the header of the file, so this is the XML file that I would try and upload APRA Connect


So that needs to appear in the XML file.


The, I've also just highlighted, um, there's a couple of value.


So, then, your, you'd be expected, to put a value between those two value fields or flags. So I've highlighted a couple. The purple 1 is 1 of the elements that was just a freeform text.


Whereas the light blue is the performance component activity Enumeration that we've been using the whole way through this presentation. And you can see that is actually one of the excepted values.


So, um, paper, I have generated this, we use it. We're using a particular software that generates XML files. Entities can choose their own software to generate this. But if you are using any of that such software, you would.


We load that excess day file, and from that X, the excess day fall that we've provided as part of the artifacts, that's how you'd be able to generate this sample XML file.


So, entities, which, you know, you wouldn't be typing this out manually, you would be using third party software, and I'm not mentioning any particular software that we advocate. We just expect entities to source that themselves.


That was all I was going to talk about on the XML access day side as they are very technical documents. There wasn't a lot to say, other than, they are still using the reporting taxonomies that I've already walked you through. So, you can see that from the dot com, that light blue field, it's highlighted where you're re-using that element that has already been to finding the reporting taxonomy in this excess day. It's just in a different format than the Excel template, which is the nature of an XML file.


So, I'll pause there for questions. 


Great, thanks Belinda. So taking it from the top, someone asks, So does this mean we can't use any existing XML files that we now use to upload into D2L?


For this Superdad Transformation collection, that's true, because it's a completely different collection.


All right. Can you still copy and paste from Excel into APRA Connect?


You can do a cell by cell paste, but you can't paste a whole row.


But you can certainly use that Excel template and upload it.


OK. We'll sample XML files, be provided by appro for each of the submissions.


I would have to take that one on. Notice that question, and I would encourage people, they could use these.


Excess Stays, create some sample, and there is some free software out there, as well that Entities could look at, but, again, I'm not advocating any particular ones, so we'll take that question on notice and get back to you.


OK, finally, will the returns currently on DC slash OS be migrated to APRA Connect?


So, we will be reviewing the collections as a, as a, an existing data way. Collection might be reviewed. We take, we're taking the opportunity to move it over to APRA Connect.


But I think, maybe, Dan, you might want to jump in. We haven't published any sort of time frames for the rest of the collections on D2A


Yeah, that's correct, Belinda. So at this point in time, the expectation is that after will be running growth, PCORI and APRA Connect in parallel for a number of years. Collections that are already on the way and likely to remain on each way until such point is our superseded and replaced with a totally new collections on apps Connect. And this is these you superannuation collections. We're discussing today. These are the first of the new style collections that have been designed purely for APRA Connect.


Excellent. Well, that's just the last question we've got for the time being, so, back to you, Dan, and Belinda.


I think we probably already did this Through one of the questions you opposed, Belinda, but yet in terms of alignment with reporting standards, as we mentioned. These artefacts have been released as draft artefacts, not fully aligned at this point in time with the final reporting standards, which have also been released for APRA. So, you know, for the avoidance of doubt, and that is any discrepancy between these draft taxonomy artefacts and the reporting and the reporting standards.


It is the final reporting standards that are the source of truth.


They are the ones that you should reference for the final versions of definitions.


I'm reporting instructions as we as we continue to work on getting these taxonomy artefacts fully aligned to the final version.


There are a couple of callouts here on what is different between these drops.


Tax on the artefacts on the final reporting standards, Belinda, maybe we just want to cover those 2 2 points there.


Yes, for the day collection and on. The Expenses Collection which is SRS, 3 32. We have a service provider identifier.


Previously, we were referring to the ABN in tables to entry, that that has now changed. Will be using an identifier to reflect the fact that some service providers may not be within Australia or they may not have an ABN. And there have been some minor changes to the definitions, the changes to the descriptions and the guidance rather than the element name or the content of the enumeration. So we're just finalizing all those changes so the artefacts as we speak.


Great. Thanks very much, Belinda. If you just move forward, Charles.


OK, and I guess also hopefully everyone on this call has already downloaded artefacts from the APRA Connect web pages. We have also included on there some additional explanatory notes to assist you in using these artefacts, much of which we have covered today. These are also, as long as an ongoing reference points, those explanatory notes, to cover the four files. It has taken us through today being the Data Dictionary, the validation Follow, the reporting taxonomies, and the access Key file. So there are, of course, yeah, additional notes that to assist you with using these artefacts.


OK, I think this is sort of bringing us towards the end of the presentation today. I think we do just have time for any, any final questions, then if any more come in, if not like us as totally fine. But, I guess, just if, any more prompted through that last couple of slides there.


Sure, It's just a couple more, Daniel, that. Any performance considerations for upload, Do you recommend XML or Excel for STT Forms uploaded to APRA Connect?


I'm not aware of any, well, something else you do Performance Testing for the system, but yeah, we wouldn't expect there to be any any difference between the two and the choice was between the two formats for uploading. You know, it's totally up to each entity.


May well be driven by your, your, your, your choice of software that you use to repair that returns. Belinda any any additional thoughts on that?


No. You can also zip files as well. So if, if you have got a large file, that is also an option.


But no nothing else to add.


OK, someone, someone else asked, sorry.


Just going to say in the external test environment, when that's available, that certainly will be an opportunity for entities to try out the various submission methods that are available, and see what is working best for them.


Thanks Jane.


Someone asked, Can we explain the number of decimal places required when converting percentages to fractions, or presumably, from fractions to percentages?


That's a great question. We've we do have some detailed explanation of that NH reporting standard.


And then also, I would refer people to the reporting taxonomy where we would also describe, for each element, whether that percentage, what decimal places where it's fading.


So that there is a property on the Elements tab that describes for any number, how many digits before the decimal place and after the decimal place. So, as I can range, as I can differ from element to element, I'd encourage you to look at those two sources of information.


So the reporting standard and the reporting taxonomy, OK, thank you. Window Friendly Societies Transfer to App Reconnect.


OK, I'll take that one. So that is, that it will be part of Actress Future Roadmap. So at this point, in time, with the, with the pivot of connects, with the restart this year and our focus moving very much away from IDEO's towards Superannuation with these new collections of June September, and the artefacts that are aligned to those new collections you just come through today.


Other industries are still, at this point, the time, remaining on D2A


will advise all the, you know, the room, the runway, and the roadmap, and the changes for those collections. As they come up for renewal. So this point in time, all of the industries that remaining on D2A, will be made aware and advised when new collections arch you to comment on that or APRA Connect


Thank you, Daniel. Will access to APRA Connect, be based on the, My gov ID?


Yes, that is correct. Yeah. In order to access APRA reconnect, you will log in using the mic of ideal authentication.


And it will be an important precursor of entities to users of the system to ensure that they are unable to set up in Mike of ID and the ram system before that for your login to APRA Connect for the first time. But yes, you will use that, Mike, about the functionality for accessing APRA Connects.


Final question someone asked, does this mean after is not going to use XP RL in the future?


No, it doesn't mean that, I think we, the position we're taking right now, is as we design each new collection, in conjunction with consultations on, on new reporting standards. We will determine the best format for the given collection. And it could, well be that is XBRL. Could be, the next year will only be the XML, Annex Bureau, et cetera. So we have a range of file formats that connect. He's able to accept and as we go through that design process for each new collection going forward, we'll determine which are the most appropriate file formats.


OK, Daniel and Belinda time to wrap up.


Great, thank you. So you have to spend just a wrap up then, so I'd imagine most of you have already sort of got hold of the artefacts, but of course, have you not please. For more information, Keep your eyes on the app reconnect webpages. The draft taxonomy artefacts we've taken you through today are available there for download.


And if you haven't already, please subscribe for the APRA Connect updates and again, there are pages that will enable you to do that. Final reporting standards are available and there they are on the superannuation transformation pages on the website there. You'll find the response types as well. And, of course, you can always continue to get in contact with us via the two e-mail addresses that are shown on screen.


Wonderful, so, in closing, thank you to everyone for their participation for asking questions. Thank you to our presenters, Daniel and Belinda, for making themselves available today, and for Jane as well. An e-mail will be sent out shortly to everyone who's registered, As I said before, regardless of whether or not they were able to attend, including a link to a recording of today's Webinar. We know we weren't able to get to all of the questions today. There were an awful lot of them that would have been a very, very long webinar, if we, if we try to get all of them. But if you have a question, you would really like answered, look at those e-mail addresses on screen.


And you can e-mail us at or Super Data Transformation at, and someone will get back to you. So, that brings us to the conclusion of today's webinar.


Thank you very much, everyone, and goodbye.